Serial Port Monitoring Control Version History


Released on 7/6/2024
Latest Version

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 1/26/2024

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 11/11/2016
Major Update

Release Changes

New Features

Support for modern OS versions
This release fully supports latest versions of Windows, including Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and corresponding server editions.

Updated Features

Improved stability and performance
This version of a library features the latest version of serial filter driver (the same revision as in the Serial Monitor 7.71). It also features increased monitoring performance and fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.
Dropped support for old OS versions
This release drops support for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems, including corresponding server editions. A previous version with support for those OS versions is available here.
License Update
Registered users: A license update is required!

A new license may be downloaded from the My Account.


Released on 5/5/2011

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Port property is empty
Port device property is empty on Windows Vista and Windows 7. Fixed.


Released on 10/13/2010

Release Changes

Updated Features

Library licensing has changed
More flexible licensing options are now offered.


Released on 9/27/2010

Release Changes

New Features

Better support for virtual serial ports
This release brings better support for virtual serial ports from different suppliers on the market.


Released on 5/1/2010

Release Changes

New Features

New Driver Installation Framework
This release features a new driver installation mechanism. SPMC now uses built-in Windows services to install the filter driver, resulting in much lower risks of permanently disabling serial devices and reduces the need to reboot the computer.
New Redistributable Options
This version of the library greatly simplifies redistribution. Now you do not have to manually copy files and call exported functions. Instead, you can either use the special redistributable installer or use one of the provided Windows Installer merge modules.


Released on 2/10/2010

Release Changes

New Features

Compatibility with STA clients improved
SPMC now correctly works with single thread apartment clients, including scripting engines.


Released on 12/4/2009

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several bugs fixes
Several bugs were fixed in library and samples.


Released on 8/14/2009

Release Changes

New Features

New sample
VB.NET sample application is included

Bug Fixes

Incorrect paths in samples
Fixed incorrect paths in several (native) samples


Released on 5/28/2009

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Possible crash in library
A possible crash (GPF) in SPMC has been fixed.
Several corrections
Several corrections were made to the library samples.


Released on 5/12/2009

Release Changes

New Features

Support for 64-bit OSes

Serial Port Monitoring Control is now fully compatible with 64-bit Microsoft operating systems. The full list of supported operating systems is provided below:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000
  • Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit
  • Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit
  • Microsoft Windows Vista 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Beta&RC 32-bit
  • Microsoft Windows 7 Beta&RC 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server 32-bit
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 32-bit
  • Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 64-bit
New samples included
This release includes MFC sample and Delphi sample and is also compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

Updated Features

Based on new driver
This version of SPMC is based on a new filter driver, which is also shared by Serial Monitor 5.22. It features greater reliability, improved performance and better device support.
Extended trial period
Library's trial period is now 60 days.

Version 1.03

Released on 3/20/2006

Release Changes

New Features

Licensing Policy has been changed
The Licensing Policy has been changed. See the included documentation for more information.

Version 1.02

Released on 2/13/2006

Release Changes

New Features

The library now operates in demo mode until it is registered.
There is no trial period anymore. You can install and test the library for free until you are ready to use it in the production environment.

Updated Features

Eliminated the need to restart the computer after installing the library.
Now the library installation does not require the system restart.

Version 1.01

Released on 1/24/2006
No changes are available for this release.