Serial Monitor Version History


Released on 10/3/2024
Latest Version

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Uninstallation error fix
This release fixes a potential inability to uninstall the product.


Released on 8/9/2024

Release Changes

New Features

Remote Monitoring Support
This release adds support for monitoring of remote serial devices. An instance of free Device Monitoring Studio server should be running on a remote computer.

Bug Fixes

Non-reporting required reboot on uninstall
In some cases, setup could fail to report the reboot was required after product uninstall. This could led to inability to install DMS again without a manual reboot.


Released on 7/26/2024

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Critical bug fix

This release fixes a critical bug in Device Monitoring Studio uninstaller. This update must be installed in order to prevent possible damage in device configuration after the Device Monitoring Studio is uninstalled or upgraded.


Released on 7/17/2024

Release Changes

New Features

IMPORTANT: License update is required

License update is required for registered users!

Updated Features

Several Capture and Display Filter improvements

Several improvements in Capture/Display Filter editor, including updated IPv6 parser and resolving of enum constants.

Bug Fixes

Several Serial Terminal issues
Several issues in Advanced Send window have been fixed.
Getting Started tooltip disappears if overlapped by a popup window
Device Monitoring Studio now makes sure popup windows do not overlap Getting Started tooltips.
Several Packet Builder issues
Several issues in Packet Builder have been fixed, including missing network adapters and protocols.
Missing timestamps in Console View window
Missing timestamps in Console View have been fixed.
Unable to set Custom session type script
The option to set custom script was missing in Custom session type mode.
studio.exe stays in memory after being closed
An issue has been fixed that could lead to Device Monitoring Studio process to remain in memory after application was closed.
Packet View update bug
Packet View did not update its lower part when selected packet was changed using keyboard.
Language pack update could not be processed
Device Monitoring Studio failed to properly handle updated language packs.
Setup: prevent x64 installer from being launched on ARM64
If x64 version installer is launched on ARM64, it tries installation (because Windows on ARM64 fully emulates x64), but fails (because x64 device drivers are not supported). Now it correctly tells to use the ARM64 installer instead.
Broken filtering for serial bridges
An issue has been fixed that prevented filtering from working correctly when monitoring serial bridges.
Raw Data View update issues
Raw Data View may not be updated in playback session when DMS is launched with a log file path in a command line.


Released on 7/26/2024

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Critical bug fix

This release fixes a critical bug in Device Monitoring Studio uninstaller. This update must be installed in order to prevent possible damage in device configuration after the Device Monitoring Studio is uninstalled or upgraded.


Released on 3/12/2024

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash during log file enumeration
Application may crash when updating log file information in Devices tool window.
Crash in Packet Builder
Packet Builder may crash on copy/paste or Send operations.


Released on 3/4/2024
No changes are available for this release.


Released on 3/2/2024

Release Changes

Device Monitoring Studio 9

This is a major version update. This topic lists new key features as well as improvements and updates in existing Device Monitoring Studio features.

UI Refresh

Version 9 comes with a revamped user interface that offers a sleek and modern look. These improvements to the user interface make Device Monitoring Studio more visually appealing, user-friendly, and adaptable to various device configurations and preferences. Here are the key improvements:

New beautiful vector icon set
The new icon set is designed to be crisp and clear on any screen resolution, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing experience across all devices.
Full support for high-DPI monitors
The software now automatically adjusts its interface elements to provide optimal clarity and readability on high-resolution displays. Multi-monitor configurations (including monitors with different DPI settings) are also supported.
Support for color themes for all interface elements
Users can now customize the look and feel of Device Monitoring Studio by adjusting colors of any visual element. This allows them to personalize their experience and make the software more visually appealing.
Dark theme support
The updated version of Device Monitoring Studio offers full support for Windows 10/11 dark theme, providing a more comfortable and energy-efficient experience for users, especially in low-light environments. This feature helps reduce eye strain and improves visibility of interface elements.
Resizable windows
The new version of Device Monitoring Studio allows users to resize most dialog boxes according to their preferences. This feature provides greater flexibility and customization, allowing users to adjust the interface to suit their needs. In addition, some dialog boxes have been redesigned to improve the user experience, making them more intuitive and easier to navigate.
Localization support
Device Monitoring Studio now fully supports localization. Initial release comes with support for English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian languages. New language packs may be created with a free Language Editor.

New and improved Data Visualizers

Almost all existing data visualizers have been improved in a number of ways, with better functionality, performance and look. A number of new data visualizers (all based on Custom View technology) have been added, including USB Mass Storage View, Still Image View, Communication View, Audio View and Video View.

ARM64 support

Device Monitoring Studio now offers full native support for ARM64 architecture. This means that the software can now be seamlessly run on devices powered by ARM64 processors, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility. With this new feature, users can enjoy the benefits of using it on a wider range of devices.

Settings Manager

This version introduces a new Settings Manager with centralized storage for all application settings. By default, these settings are stored in the Registry, but they can be configured to be stored in a file in the file system. This file can be placed in a network shared folder or cloud-based shared folder. This new feature allows users to easily manage and access their settings from any device, making it more convenient for them to use Device Monitoring Studio from different devices.

Application settings are now stored in JSON format, when exported, allowing for automating settings deployment in large organizations.

Walkthroughs and tutorials for new users

Device Monitoring Studio now shows a few brief walkthroughs and tutorials for novice users. Experienced users may easily turn this feature off.

Breaking Changes

  • This version drops support for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems (and corresponding server versions). It also drops support for 32-bit OS versions. Only 64-bit (x86-64 and ARM64) Windows 10 or later versions are now supported. Please note, that Windows Server 2016 is not supported.
  • Legacy DMSLOG7 log file format is no longer supported (it was declared deprecated in Device Monitoring Studio 8). Device Monitoring Studio 9.x does not support recording or playing back of these log files.

IMPORTANT: Upgrading to this release will require the license upgrade as well. Existing users with Lifetime Upgrades will need to download new license file.


Released on 6/27/2023

Release Changes

Updated Features

Timestamps in Console View
Console View data visualizer may now be configured to show time stamps at the beginning of each line.


Released on 6/19/2023

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

saveToLog method added to ISession

ISession.saveToLog method may now be used to save the entire monitoring session to a log file.

Several bugs fixed in MODBUS View
Several bugs have been fixed in both MODBUS View and Legacy MODBUS View data visualizers.
Several bugs fixed in Serial Bridge mode
Several bugs have been fixed in various data visualizers when working in Serial Bridge mode.
Exception in TCP/IPv6 protocol definition
A bug has been fixed that caused an exception to be displayed when parsing TCP over IPv6 packets.
Fixed configuring serial terminal timeout settings from scripts
A bug prevented correctly setting serial terminal timeout values from being correctly set when called from user script.


Released on 8/3/2022

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash on startup
Application may crash on startup or when enumerating log files.


Released on 8/2/2022

Release Changes

New Features

New MODBUS Visualizer
New version of MODBUS Data Visualizer, based on Custom View, has been implemented. The old version of MODBUS View is still available under "MODBUS View (Legacy)" name.
Display Filter support for Custom View
Custom View and all standard data visualizers based on it now fully support Display Filter.
Request View, Console View and MODBUS View in Serial Bridge
Custom View-based visualizers Request View, Console View and MODBUS View may now be used in bridge monitoring sessions.
RFC2217 protocol added
RFC2217 protocol definition added.
Custom View error scheme
Custom View script may now specify which scheme to use for error messages.

Bug Fixes

Crash after clearing Data View
Application could crash after Data View visualizer was cleared.
MODBUS Send bug fixed

Fixed wrong size type in ReadWriteRegisters.


Released on 1/19/2022

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Clearing Data View visualizer breaks it
Data View visualizer stops working after being cleared.


Released on 12/21/2021

Release Changes

New Features

Ability to configure Custom View visualizer options for individual visualizers
It is now possible to configure Custom View visualizer options for individual data visualizers (previously, it was only possible to configure them globally).

Updated Features

Read/Write filtering in Console View
Console View adds two configurable options to enable/disable parsing of read or write packets. This allows, for example, to open two Console View visualizers for a session and configure the first of them to only display read packets and configure the second one to only display write packets.

Bug Fixes

"Add to Session" command is disabled for Favorites
"Add to Session" is disabled for processing modules in Favorites section. It was still possible to add them to a monitoring session by double-clicking. This is now fixed.
"-run" command line parameter did not work correctly

Fixed -run command-line parameter (load and execute scripts) not working correctly.


Released on 11/13/2021

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash on start-up
Device Monitoring Studio may start crashing on start-up if invalid protocol file is found in protocol library.


Released on 10/6/2021

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

MODBUS Checksum calculation bug
MODBUS Send module sometimes incorrectly calculated checksum for packets it constructed.
MODBUS protocol parsing bug
Structure View sometimes failed to bind MODBUS protocol for monitored packets.


Released on 9/9/2021

Release Changes

Updated Features

MODBUS View and MODBUS protocol binding improvements
Both MODBUS View data visualizer and MODBUS protocol (used by Structure View data visualizers) now automatically determine if the monitored packet is a request or response.

Bug Fixes

MODBUS session type mode bugs
Several bugs were discovered and fixed in built-in packet joiner for MODBUS RTU and ASCII protocols. In addition, MODBUS joiners are now more tolerant to errors in monitored data stream.
Playback time range selection bug
It was sometimes impossible to select the desired time range for the log file playback on some computers.


Released on 4/8/2021

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash on startup
A rare crash on startup has been fixed.
Crash on session configuration update
A rare crash during updating a running monitoring session configuration has been fixed.


Released on 2/22/2021

Release Changes

New Features

Added option to send CR/LF in Serial Terminal
An option to send CR/LF sequence on Enter instead of just CR has been added to Serial Terminal.

Updated Features

Improvements to Serial Terminal module
New Serial Terminal session window now hides devices for which a terminal session is already running. Advanced Send window now displays target device.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Request View packet joining
Fixed packet joining in Request View for multi-source sessions.
Better error display in Request View
Request View now correctly displays an error code for failed read requests.


Released on 8/13/2020

Release Changes

Updated Features

Updated Custom View refresh rate
Improved smoothness of Custom View (and other visualizers based on it) refreshing and scrolling.

Bug Fixes

Crash during rendering packets in some data visualizers
Some data visualizers failed to render huge packets, leading to crash.
Crash when opening damaged log files
Program may crash trying to open (or even enumerate) damaged log files.
Fixed addDevice function with new logs
It was impossible to use the addDevice scripting function with new DMSLOG8 log files.


Released on 2/7/2020

Release Changes

New Features

Visualization of top-level packets in Structure View
Structure View data visualizer is now capable of displaying bound packet data for top-level collapsed packets.
New built-in visualizer() function
New built-in visualize() function allows protocol definition code to invoke standard field visualization algorithm, including automatic invocation of display attribute.

Updated Features

Log enumeration performance improvements
Improved performance when enumerating log files. This greatly improves application initialization time when there are hundreds of log files in default log folder.
Better rendering of serial protocols
The display attribute has been applied to various serial-related protocols. Now, Structure View data visualizer displays brief important packet information without the need to expand the packet first.

Bug Fixes

Broken log file name generation
Wrong character 'o' used instead of '0' in auto-generated log file name.
Request View support for multi-source is broken
This release fixes Request View behavior when used in multi-source session.
Crash on application exit
Device Monitoring Studio may crash on exit.
Filter string syntax error
Application incorrectly rejects valid filter expressions. This fix also allows constant filter expressions to be used (previously they did not work as expected).
Protocol definition errors are not displayed
In some situations, protocol definition errors may not be displayed in Output window.
Cursor jumps randomly when item is expanded in Structure View
Fixed random cursor jump after expanding packet in Structure View data visualizer.
Structure View displays local packet index instead of packet's ordinal number
Structure View now correctly displays session-unique packet ordinal number.
Playback session cannot be started from script
Unable to start a playback session with new logging format from script.


Released on 7/3/2019

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

New logging system crash
Application could crash during recording log using new logging format.


Released on 5/28/2019

Release Changes

New Features

New Logging Format

New data logging format (DMSLOG8) supports the following logging modes:

  1. Unlimited single-file mode (similar to the previous format DMSLOG7)
  2. Limited by size multiple-file mode
  3. Limited by duration multiple-file mode
  4. Limited by size single-file mode
  5. Limited by duration single-file mode

In limited multiple-file modes the user may additionally limit the total number of files per log. In limited single-file mode oldest data is automatically overwritten by new data according to specified limit.

Bug Fixes

Data duplication in Data Repeater
Fixed a bug in Data Repeater component that caused duplication of monitored data when redirected to a serial device.


Released on 4/15/2019

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 3/22/2019

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Packet View numbers bug
Packet View may incorrectly display numbers. Fixed.
Raw Data View Eastern languages bug
Raw Data View may display incorrect data if system locale is set to one of eastern languages. Fixed.
Structure View update bug
Structure View window may not be updated when new packets are added. It can also lose focus and not update command states. Fixed.
Playback in stepped mode broken
Next button may not appear in stepped playback mode. Fixed.
Settings in property pages not saved
Changes made in some of the settings property pages are not saved. Fixed.
Raw Data View mouse wheel or touch scroll bug
Raw Data View may scroll incorrectly when scrolled by some high-definition mice or touchpads.
Beta packages could not be installed
Beta packages could not be successfully installed on Windows 7.
Bug in processing of non-general session types
In some cases, non-general session type is not successfully applied. Fixed.
Errors in remote monitoring
Sometimes garbage data may be received from the remote monitoring session. Fixed.


Released on 11/26/2018

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash on application close
An application could crash on exit on slow (or busy) single-CPU computers.
Hang on application close
An application could hang and had to be killed by Task Manager in some cases after changes had been detected in watched folders (log files, structure definition files or custom view implementation files).
Packet View performance issues
Packet View could not sustain high packet rate (for example, log playback in continuous mode).
Packet View packet loss
Packet View could start "losing" packets when session contained several hundred million packets.
Various performance improvements
Improved performance of the following data visualizers: Raw Data View, Structure View, Packet View, Custom View.
Failed log playback
There was an error playing back recorded log files in some cases.
Continuous mode playback performance improved
Playback performance in continuous playback mode was improved.
Filter string could not contain hexadecimal numbers
It was not possible to use hexadecimal numbers in capture/display filter string.
Auto-completion did not work in Capture Filter
Auto-completion did not work in Serial Bridge's capture filter.
Display Filter not working correctly
Display Filter could not be applied for some sessions after they have been started.
Workspace loading order bug
Workspace components loading order has been updated. Now, if workspace contains a serial terminal session and monitoring session for the same port, a monitoring session is guaranteed to be started before the terminal session.
Unable to start script upon launch
Script files specified on command line with "-run" option failed to start if they were using monitoring session objects.


Released on 8/17/2018

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 6/13/2018

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 5/8/2018

Release Changes

Updated Features

Performance improvements
This release has increased performance in various key scenarios.

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 4/23/2018

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 3/19/2018

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 2/27/2018

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 2/23/2018

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 2/20/2018
Major Update

Release Changes

This is a new major version release. The following features are new or have been significantly improved compared with the previous version:

Script Debugger

Increased support for scripting in Device Monitoring Studio calls for better tools. The built-in script editor with auto-completion support and built-in documentation is now accompanied by a script debugger.

The user may now place breakpoints, and perform stepping while debugging his scripts. The Watch tool window and Stack Trace tool window provide the detailed information about the script execution state.

New Serial Terminal

The Serial Terminal module has been redesigned and rewritten from scratch. It now provides richer API, better performance and stability and integrates with a Serial Source. This integration allows for "listening" mode monitoring sessions - a configuration when there is no active controlling application listening on the port.

In addition, terminal window is now integrated better into the application frame, is more responsive and provide better overall experience.

Data Repeater

This component, which may be attached to a serial or playback monitoring session, allows redirection of monitored traffic to one or more serial ports.

Custom View Visualizer

The Custom View data visualizer is now out of beta. It has been redesigned and is now backed by TypeScript (not internal protocol definition language). Serial's Request View and Console View have been rewritten using Custom View.

Custom View data visualizer allows the user to consume the information produced by protocol binding module and display parsed data with rich visualization capabilities.

Request View and Console View data visualizers are now powered by Custom View. Old versions of these visualizers are still available as Request View (Legacy) and Console View (Legacy).

Extended Scripting API

This release extends the list of components that may be controlled from TypeScript (JavaScript) scripts executing inside the Device Monitoring Studio:

  1. File Manager object.
  2. TCP Session, UDP Session and TCP Listener objects.
  3. Updated Serial Terminal object.
  4. New MODBUS Builder Object.


Released on 6/8/2017

Release Changes

New Features

Added support for promises
Scripts may now use promises and async/await language operators.
New 'delay' function
New function delay added that returns promise, which is completed after specified number of milliseconds.
New Console View data visualizer
New Console View data visualizer was added. It is based on Custom View.
HTML Copy/Export in Custom View
Custom View now supports copying/exporting selected data in HTML format. New Request View and New Console View data visualizers, which are based on Custom View, also support this feature.

Updated Features

Updated TypeScript version
Built-in TypeScript compiler updated to version 2.3.0.
TCP manager renamed
TCP Manager has been renamed to Network Manager. This only affects scripts.
Improved performance
Application start-up performance has been improved.

Bug Fixes

Crash on playback in continuous mode
Application could crash if playback was running in continuous mode.
Baud rate limit removed
In previous versions, application did not allow using baud rates larger than 256000 both in Serial Terminal UI and scripting. This limit has been removed.
Fixed "Invalid Configuration" message on license installation
An "Invalid Application Configuration" message could be displayed after successful license installation. This has been fixed.


Released on 4/7/2017

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 3/20/2017

Release Changes

Updated Features

Improved protocol definition language
This release adds new directives and attributes to protocol definition language, adding look-ahead support to protocol binding.

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 2/3/2017

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 12/23/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 11/9/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 9/14/2016

Release Changes

New Features

New script editor
New script editor is introduced with support for auto-completion and error highlighting.
High-DPI Support
This release makes Device Monitoring Studio fully compatible with high-definition displays.
Custom session type
Serial Monitor now allows setting custom session type (also known as session communication mode) programmed on TypeScript. Custom session type helps protocol binding to find the start of new packet in captured data stream.

Updated Features

Dropped support for Windows XP and Windows Vista
Starting from this version, the minimum supported OS is Windows 7. Application no longer supports Windows XP and Windows Vista. The minimum supported server OS is Windows Server 2008 R2.
TypeScript support
TypeScript is now always supported, the requirement to have Internet Explorer 11 installed is removed.
New scripting engine
Updated scripting engine with support for ES6. This allowed us to improve various APIs provided by Device Monitoring Studio components. For example, all methods that worked with Array objects now also work with typed arrays, array buffers and data views.

Bug Fixes

Serial Terminal flow control setting
Serial terminal session flow control mode is now correctly read from Session Configuration window.


Released on 8/9/2016

Release Changes

New Features

Start Serial Terminal Command
"Start Serial Terminal" command is now available for serial devices in Devices tool window.

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 7/8/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 6/21/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 5/18/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Restart device not working
Restart device command (in Dependent Devices window) now works as expected.
Log file playback error
Device Monitoring Studio crashed when user attempted to play back log files with long "gaps" - periods without data.
Crash on startup
Several bugs have been fixed that could cause application to crash on startup.
Crash on Next Connected
"Next Connected" monitoring session could crash Device Monitoring Studio after device had been connected to the computer.


Released on 4/13/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crashes on startup
Several problems causing application to crash on start have been fixed.
Copy/Export bugs
Several bugs in copy/export code in various data visualizers have been fixed.
Find Next hot key
F3 key now correctly works as Find Next hot key in various data visualizer.
Crash on loading invalid workspace file
DMS could crash if invalid workspace file was loaded.


Released on 3/9/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several bug fixes
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 2/25/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several bug fixes
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs.


Released on 2/20/2016

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several bug fixes
This release fixes a number of reported and internally discovered bugs and improves performance and reliability.


Released on 1/27/2016

Release Changes

This release is dedicated mostly to polishing various application features. It improves a lot of existing components by fixing bugs and memory leaks. It also significantly reduces application memory requirements and works around memory exhaustion issues, particularly on 32-bit systems.

New Features

This release introduces high-precision session time measurement mode. As of 7.51, this mode is supported by USB, Serial and Network modules. When enabled (per-session), Device Monitoring Studio uses high-precision system timer for packet time-stamping. This mode is enabled by default if Device Monitoring Studio is installed on Windows 7 or later.

Starting from 7.51, various device information is automatically saved to a log file if the Data Recording module is added to a monitoring session. This includes the Serial Device Information for serial devices and all kinds of USB descriptors for USB devices (Device Descriptor, Configuration Descriptor and HID Descriptor tool windows).

When resulting log file is later selected in the Devices tool window, corresponding tool windows are updated with saved information.

Raw Data View and Structure View data visualizers now support additional packet coloring mode. Now they allow the user to choose one of three modes: no coloring, packet interlacing (coloring odd and even packets) and read/write coloring (coloring read and write packets).

In addition, built-in MODBUS protocol now automatically selects RTU or ASCII mode. This works automatically in Structure View and in filters and does not affect MODBUS View data visualizer.

Fixed Bugs

This release fixes over 200 different bugs, including crashes. A special attention has been paid to the following:

  1. Monitoring session startup and shutdown-related issues, including crashes and hangs. This includes configuring and starting monitoring session, adding or removing data processing modules to running session and stopping monitoring session, as well as changing session's Capture Filter or visualizers' Display Filter for a running session.
  2. Capture and display filter performance.
  3. Protocol binding performance.
  4. Issues with various data visualizers. Almost every data visualizer has been optimized or fixed in some way.
  5. Workspace saving and loading issues.

Here is a short list of most remarkable fixed bugs:

Line View
Line View had a bug that prevented it from working. Now Line View works correctly when monitoring serial modems.
Correct emergency session termination
When resources are low, Device Monitoring Studio is now more robust in stopping affected high-data rate monitoring sessions, or session processing modules. This mostly affects 32-bit systems or systems with slow secondary storage.
Log file repairing
Device Monitoring Studio has always repaired damaged log files on startup. If log file was large, it introduced a startup delay (only splash screen was visible and application appeared to be hanging). Now a progress bar is shown to tell the user that application is alive.
Serial communication mode
A number of various bugs related to support for serial communication mode in Serial and Serial Bridge modules have been fixed. This includes saving the mode into the workspace or log file.
Operating with limited processing resources
During monitoring Device Monitoring Studio uses available disk space as configured in the Data Processing Tab (invoked by Tools » Settings menu command). We have fixed a number of bugs related to Device Monitoring Studio operation under limited settings (like 1% on a single disk and 0% on all others).
"Exporter" data processing modules: Raw Exporter, Text Exporter and Data Recording
A number of bugs have been fixed in exporter modules. CPU and memory usage have been carefully profiled and optimized.

Memory Usage Optimizations

This release also brings improvements to Device Monitoring Studio memory usage strategies. All critical paths have been carefully analyzed and profiled, resulting in memory usage savings of up to 10 times in several places. Application is now much more robust on systems with lower amount of RAM. In addition, when installed on 32-bit operating systems, application is now capable of sustaining much higher data rates during monitoring.

Reduced memory demands now also allow to start "heavier" monitoring sessions - sessions with more data processing modules, complex custom protocols and filter expressions.

Supported OSes

This release drops support for 64-bit Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. 32-bit versions of these operating systems are still supported.

Remote Source now requires at least Windows Vista and will not be installed on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.

Future releases will drop support for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 entirely.

UI Layout Update

This release will install new default UI layout (tool windows and toolbars). Any user-defined layout will be overwritten.


Released on 10/30/2015

Release Changes

Updated Features

Trial period extension
Trial period has been extended to 21 days from 14 days.

Bug Fixes

Multiple crashes in Serial Terminal
Serial Terminal module crashed when loading workspaces from previous versions. It could also crash on saving workspace.
Crash after removing data processing modules from running session
Application crashed when a data processing module was removed from a running session.
Invalid behavior after changing visualizer's root protocol
When Root Protocol was changed for the active visualizer, it could result in removing all monitored packets due to incorrect interpretation of empty display filter.
Crash after closing Structure View or Raw Data View visualizers
Application could crash after closing Structure View or Raw Data View visualizers.


Released on 8/20/2015

Release Changes

New Features

New scripting objects: Remote Connection Manager and Bridge Manager
Two new scripting objects added. Remote Connection Manager allows user scripts to establish remote connections. Bridge Manager allows user scripts to create and manage serial bridges. In addition, user script may now add remote devices and serial bridges to monitoring session.

Updated Features

Documentation for predefined fields and functions
All predefined protocol fields and functions have been documented. Additional code cleanup for built-in protocols.
Automatic reconnect for remote sessions
If network connection error occurs during remote monitoring, Device Monitoring Studio automatically tries to reconnect to remote server and continue monitoring.
Typescript updated to 1.5
Built-in Typescript compiler has been updated to version 1.5.
Flow control support for terminal sessions from scripting
It is now possible to set flow control for serial terminal sessions from user script.

Bug Fixes

Fixed "Minimize to tray" command line switch
Command line switch -m did not work as expected.
Possible crash during remote server connection
Application could crash if connected to remote server running Windows 8 or later.
Fixed script editor auto-indentation feature
Script editor could incorrectly apply auto-indentation in some cases.


Released on 7/15/2015

Release Changes

New Features

Structure View, PPP View and MODBUS View support in bridge mode
Serial Bridge monitoring session may now use Structure View, PPP View and MODBUS View, providing appropriate communication mode is set.

Updated Features

Sorted tool windows in View » Tool Windows menu
Tool windows in View » Tool Windows menu group are now sorted, which makes navigation easier.

Bug Fixes

Missing Modbus enumeration constant
Serial.CommunicationMode enumeration was missing new Modbus value.
MODBUS View crash on 32-bit OSes
MODBUS View data visualizer could crash on 32-bit operating systems.
Application crash if running multiple copies
Application crashed when multiple copies were launched by different users.
Crash during scrolling or exporting a view in long monitoring session
An application crash was possible when the user tried to export or scroll data window in a long monitoring session.
Duplicate entries in Capture Filter Intellisense
There were duplicate items in Capture/Display Filter Intellisense window.
Incorrect installation state if used by different user
Some default configuration settings were missing if application was installed under one user account and then used under another account.
Improved stability on startup
Improved compatibility with third-party software that modifies application files during startup. This has caused early re-compilation of protocol definition files and could lead to crash.


Released on 6/9/2015

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several bugs fixed
Several reported bugs have been fixed, including application crashes.


Released on 4/27/2015

Release Changes

New Features

MODBUS serial protocol added to Structure View
This release adds MODBUS protocol, which can now be used in Structure View and filters.

Bug Fixes

Crash on 64-bit CPUs without support for AVX
It was impossible to install and/or use the application on some hardware configurations (like no or disabled AVX support on CPU).


Released on 3/6/2015

Release Changes

New Features

This release adds new protocol definition files and other supporting tools for MODBUS TCP protocol: new MODBUS communication mode, Packet Builder update to send MODBUS TCP packets and MODBUS Send window update to send MODBUS TCP packets to TCP sessions.

Updated Features

Serial Terminal parameters
Serial Terminal parameters are now saved into workspace.
New column in exporter output
New column containing packet time stamps has been added to Raw Exporter and Text Exporter.
TypeScript 1.4
Built-in compiler for TypeScript language has been updated to version 1.4.

Bug Fixes

Error copying/exporting multiple selection from Raw Data View
Copying/exporting multiple selection produced incorrect data.
Additional checks for temporary folder locations
If for some reason the default temporary disk location is unavailable, Device Monitoring Studio falls back to %TEMP% folder.


Released on 9/2/2014

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Various crashes
Application could crash if Data View or MODBUS View were added to serial or bridge session.


Released on 8/26/2014

Release Changes

New Features

Custom Visualizer support (BETA)
This release brings (beta) support for creating custom data visualizers.

Updated Features

Protocol & Script Editor
Built-in script and protocol definition files editor now has auto-indentation feature and brace match feature.

Bug Fixes

Various bug fixes
Several reported bugs have been fixed.


Released on 7/23/2014

Release Changes

New Features

Improved scripting support
User scripts may now create, configure and start monitoring sessions. Full programming access to all monitoring session aspects, including multiple devices, source configuration, capture filters and visualizers and their configuration is provided. Scripts may be written in TypeScript language (superset of JavaScript), which gives better syntax and error checking. VBScript support has been discontinued.

Monitoring session initialization script may be automatically generated from the New Session window.

Built-in script editor
Device Monitoring Studio now has a built-in script file editor, which supports syntax highlighting and marking of error locations.
Line parameters visualization
Serial Monitor now automatically determines the line parameters applied by monitored application and displays them in Sessions Tool Window. Previously, you had to manually analyze control packets to get this information.

Updated Features

Improved performance for polling scenarios
Serial Monitor is now much more responsive when monitoring a polling session (that is, when monitored application issues hundreds of thousands empty read requests continuously). This affects Request View, Data View and other visualizers.

Bug Fixes

Several bugs fixed
Several reported bugs have been fixed, including application crashes.


Released on 3/27/2014

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash on session stop
Device Monitoring Studio crashes after session with configured data logging is stopped.
Various playback bugs
Several bugs and inconsistencies in Playback module have been fixed.


Released on 3/7/2014

Release Changes

New Features

Data sent using TransmitCommChar Windows API call (aka IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR I/O control request) is now treated like written data by Data View, Raw Data View and Console View data visualizers.

Updated Features

Log file format change
Due to fixing a bug in USB Monitor Playback, the format of log files has been changed. Old log files are still supported, but new log files will not be playable in previous versions of Device Monitoring Studio.

Bug Fixes

Playback improvements
The performance and stability of Playback on high speeds have been improved.
Coloring page fixed
Changing font size on the Coloring page has an effect now (Tools » Settings).
Protocol List window fixed
Delete now works correctly in Protocol List window.


Released on 1/14/2014

Release Changes

New Features

Configurable auto-hide tool windows timeouts
User may now configure timeouts to open and hide auto-hide tool windows.
operator[] for strings
Operator [] now works with string value types.

Updated Features

Improved multi-monitor support
If a floating tool window is positioned on a secondary monitor which is later disconnected, Device Monitoring Studio automatically moves the tool window in sight next time the application is launched.
Social plugin changes
Social module does not require authentication to read contents anymore and provides notifications for updates. It is also now supported on Windows XP.

Bug Fixes

Wrong tooltip after window drag
If you changed the position of opened windows using mouse, window title tooltips remained at the old position.
Compiler error visualization
Visualizers now correctly display packet binding errors.
MODBUS Send bug
MODBUS Send module bug which prevented from correctly sending values starting with 'f' has been fixed.
Crash on non-standard parity
Serial Monitor could crash if non-standard parity was used in a monitoring session. Serial Monitor now also displays custom parity values.


Released on 9/19/2013

Release Changes

New Features

Built-in protocol definition editor
This release introduces the built-in protocol definition editor. Now you may modify any built-in protocol definition or define your custom protocol directly inside Device Monitoring Studio. Automatic re-compilation and rich error reporting are provided by the DMS.

Bug Fixes

Context menu not working in Devices window
You could not invoke a context menu in Devices tool window using keyboard. Only right mouse click worked.
Unable to playback Serial Bridge sessions
There was an error playing back recorded serial bridge monitoring sessions.


Released on 8/14/2013

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Minor bug fixes
This release fixes a number of discovered and reported errors, including application crashes.


Released on 7/23/2013

Release Changes

New Features

SerialPayload protocol
This release adds SerialPayload protocol. When used in data visualizers, binds to the monitored data directly, skipping IOCTL packets, connect/disconnect packets and other utility information. This is now a default root protocol for Raw Data View visualizer. PPP packet is now embedded in SerialPayload packet, instead of Serial packet.
DMS 6 Log Converter Beta
Device Monitoring Studio 6.xx Log Converter Beta added. This console utility may be used to convert log files from DMS 6.xx format to DMS 7.xx format.

Bug Fixes

Crash on session change
Device Monitoring Studio crashed when you changed the root protocol on newly added visualizer on a running session.
Error saving Data View into workspace
When a workspace with a monitoring session with Data View visualizer was saved, it later loaded as Request View.
Error in Serial protocol definition
Serial protocol definition used incorrect byte ordering.
Filtering worked incorrectly in Serial Data View and Request View
Configured filtering could incorrectly remove or duplicate monitored packets.


Released on 7/5/2013
Major Update

Release Changes

New Features

Multi-source Monitoring
Device Monitoring Studio supports joining monitored data from multiple sources of the same type into a single monitoring session. It is possible to monitor two or more serial ports, USB devices or network adapters. Device Monitoring Studio makes sure packets are correctly sorted and presented through a number of supported data visualizers. Data logging also supports multi-source sessions.
Remote Monitoring
DMS 7 supports monitoring USB and serial devices connected to remote servers. A single client may monitor several servers and a single server may be monitored by multiple clients. A separate server installation is provided. It includes a server access module, serial and usb monitoring modules, administration and management module and documentation. A server is managed using the MMC Snap-In or from Windows Scripting Host or PowerShell.
Windows 8 Support
DMS 7 officially supports Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
USB 3.0 Support
USB Monitor introduces support for USB 3.0 host controllers and devices.
Built-In and Custom Protocol Parsing
DMS 7 extends protocol parsing support for all monitoring modules: network, USB and serial. In addition, this version has new implementation of protocol parsing, which is more flexible and greatly improves performance.
New Data Processing Category
New processing category is introduced: data exporters. These are components that process monitored data in some way, but do not produce any visible output on the screen. Data recording module now belongs to this category. Other data exporters are Raw Data Exporter and Text Exporter. Both these exporters are capable of using built-in or custom protocol definitions to parse monitoring data before exporting.
Parallel Processing
New version of Device Monitoring Studio utilizes multiple cores for more responsive monitoring session operation. It basically allows the user to still perform real-time monitoring of 1 Gb network transfer without packet loss and slowdowns while having such "heavy" processing like Capture Filter and Display Filter configured for a monitoring session.
Device Tool Window
New tool window that displays all devices the user can monitor in a single customizable view. For each supported device, its image, type and current state are displayed. The user may start, stop and configure monitoring sessions, view device properties, restart and rename devices.
Sessions Tool Window
New tool window lists all currently running sessions and their properties. It allows you to close data visualizers, add new data processing modules, pause, resume or stop sessions. It also allows you to quickly change data processing modules configuration. For example, for data recording, the current log file size is displayed. By clicking "End Stream", the user ends the current stream and starts a new one.
Protocol-Based Data Visualizers
Structure View and Raw Data View data visualizers for USB, Serial and Network with additional filtering (Display Filter) and ability to specify root protocol.
Automatic Layout Loading
DMS 7 automatically loads separate tool window and command layout when monitoring session is started. Thus, until a session is started, a layout which simplifies device discovery and information retrieval is used. After the session is started, another layout is automatically loaded streamlining monitoring session usage. Both layouts may be customized by the user.
Global Configuration Switch
Device Monitoring Studio provides you with a global switch to quickly turn it into Serial Monitor, USB Monitor or Network Monitor. This switch may be used in combi installations to temporary hide unneeded components.

Updated Features

Session Configuration Window

New Session Configuration window greatly simplifies session creation and modification. There is a list of configured sources at the top of the window. Below are optional device configuration settings, buttons to add more devices and remove existing ones.

Depending on the type and number of configured sources, a list of available processing modules is populated. It is divided into two main categories: visualizers and exporters.

Double-click on the processing module to add it to the current session. Some of modules support configuration. Customized processing modules may be saved for future use.

Finally, the user specifies a capture filter, a generic (protocol-based) conditional expression used to filter out specific monitored packets.


Released on 5/30/2013
No changes are available for this release.


Released on 4/26/2013

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Console View rendering bug
Console View incorrectly displays lines with several carriage return characters in them.
Corrupt log file handling
Device Monitoring Studio may crash when it encounters corrupted log file.
Installation problem
Installer may fail with 0x8007000a error code in HHD Setup Log File.txt.


Released on 2/19/2013

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Several bugs in Structure View and Raw Data View
Several bugs in Serial Monitor Structure View and Raw Data View data visualizers were fixed.
Raw Data View settings were not saved to workspace
Serial Monitor Raw Data View data visualizer settings were not saved to the workspace file. Fixed.
Several bugs in MODBUS View visualizer
A number of bugs have been fixed in MODBUS View data visualizer.


Released on 6/28/2012
No changes are available for this release.


Released on 5/12/2012

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Bug in Hex Editor Neo integration
DMS could not find Hex Editor Neo if it was installed for all users. Fixed.


Released on 5/11/2012

Release Changes

New Features

"Join consequent packets" option added
A long awaited "Join consequent packets" option has been added to the Serial Monitor. When enabled, it automatically joins consequent write or read requests. Applicable to Request View and Data View visualizers.
Process packet data with Hex Editor Neo
New "Process with Hex Editor Neo" command has been added to Raw Data View visualizer. It copies the selected packet data and opens it in installed copy of Hex Editor Neo.

Bug Fixes

Serial Bridge visualizers coloring fixed
Serial Bridge's Request View and Data View visualizers used assigned coloring settings incorrectly. Fixed.


Released on 5/4/2012
No changes are available for this release.


Released on 4/10/2012

Release Changes

Updated Features

Improved setup speed
Speed of Device Monitoring Studio setup application has been greatly improved. Installer now needs to update less files and system settings and operates much quicker.
Improved application start-up time
We have improved the application start-up time by reducing time required by various components to initialize and allowing several components to initialize in parallel.
Improved performance
This release has improved performance thanks to optimization of various core components and the use of new compiler.
License update

Registered users: A license update is required!

A new license may be downloaded from the My Account.

Bug Fixes

Several reported bugs fixed
This release fixes several reported bugs, including application crashes.


Released on 8/18/2011

Release Changes

New Features

Data View Filtering
This release adds filtering support for Data View visualizer.


Released on 6/27/2011
No changes are available for this release.


Released on 6/15/2011
No changes are available for this release.


Released on 2/28/2011

Release Changes

New Features

Integration with Windows Error Reporting
Application now fully integrates with Windows Error Reporting. If it ever crashes or hangs, you can submit the report, which will allow us to fix a bug and provide a solution.

Bug Fixes

Possible BSOD
A system may crash when power policy is changed for some serial devices with Serial Monitor installed. Fixed.
Application may fail to start
Sometimes an application may fail to start. Fixed.
Application hangs or crashes on startup
Serial Monitor hangs or crashes on startup if you do not install Scripting feature. Fixed.


Released on 1/26/2011

Release Changes

New Features

Ability to create virtual serial ports
Serial Monitor now provides the ability to create virtual serial ports with different routing possibilities.

Updated Features

New column in Packet View
Packet View now has a new column "Time Diff" that displays the time difference between packets.

Bug Fixes

Several bug fixes and performance improvements
Several reported bugs have been fixed. This release also has different stability and performance improvements.
Crash in Packet View
Serial Monitor may crash in Packet View in some rare situations. Fixed.


Released on 12/3/2010

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Invalid data filtering in Packet View
Packet View incorrectly filtered data. In addition, filtering is now ignored for visualizer if it is inside Packet View.


Released on 11/29/2010

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Invalid data filtering in Packet View
Packet View incorrectly filtered data. Fixed.
Invalid behavior when no serial devices are present
You could not correctly start and use Serial Monitor on a computer without serial ports. This has been fixed in this release.


Released on 10/9/2010

Release Changes

Updated Features

Improved Packet View visualizer
Packet View visualizer is now much faster and smoother.

Bug Fixes

Invalid data exported from Packet View
When filters apply to Packet View and you export selected rows, incorrect data is exported. Fixed.


Released on 9/27/2010

Release Changes

New Features

Better support for virtual serial ports
This release brings better support for virtual serial ports from different suppliers on the market.

Updated Features

New option to hide packet tooltip in Raw Data View
Raw Data View visualizer now has additional option that allows you to disable packet information popup.


Released on 6/23/2010

Release Changes

Updated Features

New filtering options

This release adds more filtering options to Request View (Serial & Bridge), URB View (USB) and Packet View. It also changes the default color settings for Request View and URB View data visualizers.

Default filtering has also been modified: it now does not display Read DOWN and Write UP requests by default. You can change this behavior in the Tools » Settings… » Filtering Tab.

Bug Fixes

Crash in Raw Data View visualizer
A crash in Raw Data View visualizer has been fixed.


Released on 6/11/2010

Release Changes

New Features

Raw Data View Visualizer

This new data visualizer, called Raw Data View is similar to Serial Monitor's Data View in that it also has two windows, one of which displays data sent to a device, and another one displays data received from a device. All subsequent packets are concatenated into a single data stream, which is displayed as a sequence of hexadecimal, decimal, octal or binary numbers. Alternatively, the stream may be displayed as a sequence of floating-point numbers with single or double precision.

This new data visualizer is very flexible and allows you to customize both its layout and appearance. It has a built-in pattern coloring, powerful find capabilities and Clipboard/exporting support.

Updated Features

Filtering for Packet View
You may know apply filtering to a Packet View data visualizers.
Quiet installation mode
A new command line switch, "/q" may be passed to the Serial Monitor's installer to perform a non-interactive installation/uninstalltion of the product.


Released on 4/12/2010

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash during monitoring
A crash that occurred sometimes during monitoring has been fixed.


Released on 4/2/2010

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash in Serial Bridge
A crash in the Serial Bridge module has been fixed.
Crash in logging module
A crash in data logging module has been fixed.


Released on 4/1/2010

Release Changes

New Features

Appearance customization
This release brings you the possibility to change the appearance of visual elements of the following data visualizers:
  • MODBUS View
  • Request View (Serial, Bridge)
  • Data View
  • PPP View
New driver installation framework
This release features a new driver installation mechanism. Setup now uses built-in Windows services to install the filter drivers for serial monitoring, resulting in much lower risks of permanently disabling serial devices.

Updated Features

License update
Registered users: A license update is required!
A new license may be downloaded from the My Account.

Bug Fixes

Fixed reported bugs
A lot of reported bugs have been fixed in the product.


Released on 8/11/2009

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Incorrect version determination
Incorrect version determination has been fixed.
Toolbar bugs
Several toolbar customization bugs have been fixed.
Toolbar bugs
Several toolbar customization bugs have been fixed.


Released on 8/4/2009

Release Changes

Updated Features

Updated functionality
This release updates functionality and behavior of several included modules as well as some portions of user interface.

Bug Fixes

Bug fix release
This release fixes several reported bugs.


Released on 10/2/2007

Release Changes

New Features

Export Binary command
Export Binary command may be used to export binary packet data.

Bug Fixes

Several bugs fixed
A number of reported bugs were fixed.


Released on 9/28/2007

Release Changes

New Features

Serial PPP View Visualizer

Device Monitoring Studio version 5.22 introduces new data visualizer – Serial PPP View. It can be used to decode Point-to-Point Protocol packets, as well as a number of packets that can be encapsulated in PPP packets. The current version of the visualizer supports the following protocols:

  1. Novell IPX
  2. OSI Network Layer Control Protocol
  3. DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol
  4. Appletalk Control Protocol
  5. Link Control Protocol
  6. Password Authentication Protocol
  7. Link Quality Report
  8. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
  9. Multilink Protocol
  10. Compression Control Protocol
  11. Extensible Authentication Protocol
  12. NETBIOS Protocol
High-Speed operation mode
The High-Speed mode is automatically enabled for a session, for which only the Statistics visualizer is configured. In this mode the amount of data analyzed by the application is reduced significantly, leading to more accurate performance measurements. This mode is useful if you have a device with extremely high transfer rate (more than 16 MB/s) and want to measure its performance.
Automatic Data Policy Management

There has always been a feature in the Device Monitoring Studio, called "Data Processing". It could be and still can be used to control the data processing policy. You can trade disk space usage for a session history length. More disk space you allow Device Monitoring Studio to use, more older session packets are available for you.

Version 5.22 introduces an automatic data policy management for monitoring sessions. If only Logging and/or Statistics visualizer are configured for the monitoring session, it is forced to low disk space usage policy. If any other visualizer is configured for the monitoring session, it falls back to the setting, defined by the user.

Bug Fixes

Several bugs in Serial Terminal
Several bugs in the Serial Terminal module were fixed.
Performance counters calculation bug for Serial Monitor module
There was an error in calculation of some counters for the Statistics visualizer in Serial Monitor module. Fixed.
Several UI bugs
Several user interface bugs were fixed.
Several bugs in MODBUS View visualizer
Several bugs in MODBUS View visualizer were fixed.


Released on 9/20/2007

Release Changes

New Features

Keyboard Map printing
Keyboard Map can be printed or copied to the Clipboard.
Generic open feature
Device Monitoring Studio is now capable of opening log files and tool window configuration files in addition to workspaces. They can be opened through the File|Open menu option, dropped from Windows Explorer, or specified in the command line.

Bug Fixes

GPF in Serial Bridge
Program crash in Serial Bridge module was fixed.
Several GPFs
Several application crashes were fixed.


Released on 9/18/2007

Release Changes

New Features

Generic Filtering feature
Generic filtering feature allows you to configure filtering for different visualizers and create filtering schemes, which then can be quickly applied to different visualizer windows. This feature is utilized by MODBUS View and Request View visualizers.

Updated Features

New options in Playback context menu
Playback context menu now has two additional options: “Collapse All” and “Expand All”, which can be used to collapse/expand log file names and log streams in the tree.
Serial Terminal "Data block size" option
The size of internal block size used by the Serial Terminal to send data can be configured.
Serial Terminal "Convert tabs to spaces" option
Serial Terminal can be configured to replace tabulation characters with spaces for a typed or sent text.
MODBUS View "Concatenate packets" option
MODBUS View visualizer can be configured to join divided packets.
Application loading time improved
Device Monitoring Studio loading time is improved in case there are a lot of log files in the log file folder.

Bug Fixes

Several streams in log file
You were unable to create multiple streams in a single log file - fixed.
Playback bugs
Several bugs in Playback tree and playback module were fixed.
Serial Terminal Send File bug
Several bugs with a Serial Terminal Send File feature were fixed.
MODBUS View and MODBUS Send bugs
Several bugs in MODBUS View visualizer and MODBUS Send were fixed.


Released on 8/14/2007

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Program Crash
The program may crash on some computers on startup or device selection. Fixed.
Export works incorrectly
Export to text file feature produces incorrect results. Fixed.


Released on 7/23/2007

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Serial devices inactive after program uninstallation
On some machines serial devices may become inactive after uninstalling the Device Monitoring Studio. Fixed.


Released on 7/17/2007

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Installation bug on Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64
On some machines running Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64 the product refuses to install. Fixed.


Released on 7/12/2007

Release Changes

New Features

MODBUS Protocol Responses
The MODBUS Send module is now capable of sending MODBUS protocol responses to the connected hardware.
Both MODBUS Send module and MODBUS View visualizer are now capable of working in RTU mode (in addition to previousely supported ASCII mode).
64-bit Platform Support

Device Monitoring Studio now fully supports 64-bit operating systems, including Windows XP x64 Edition, Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition and Windows Vista x64 Edition.

All Device Monitoring Studio binaries were ported to 64-bit (not only filter drivers), resulting in much better performance and scalability. The single installation package is used to install application on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.

Please see the included release notes for previous version compatibility issues.

Updated Features

Scripting now offers new methods for sending MODBUS protocol responses as well as several new utility methods (mainly for Serial Terminal module).

Bug Fixes

Console View
Several bugs in the Console View visualizer have been fixed. It now also displays sent data in addition to received data.
Log Files Sharing
Log files can now be shared among several running copies of the Device Monitoring Studio (either locally or over the network). Log files can be shared only for playback.
Access weakened
The Device Monitoring Studio incorrectly tried to open resources with high privileges resulting in inability of less privileged user to use some of the program features (it still worked, although). The access mode was weakened for all such cases, resulting in Administrative rights being required only during application install.


Released on 6/27/2007

Release Changes

New Features

New User Interface
The product is now a part of the Device Monitoring Studio.
Overall performance and stability improvements
The application now requires less RAM and disk space and supports high speed communications without affecting computer performance.
Serial Terminal
The Serial Terminal module allows you to open an interactive terminal session with for a serial device. The terminal session is fully scriptable as well.
Multiple monitoring sessions support
The application now allows you to create as many monitoring sessions as you need. You can have as many different serial, USB, bridging or log playback sessions as you need.
MODBUS protocol support
MODBUS protocol support is offered via MODBUS View visualizer and MODBUS Send module.
Statistics visualizer
Analyzes the device throughput and displays linear graphics for a number of variables.
The built-in scripting support offers a great freedom in customization of the Device Monitoring Studio.
Auto Start/Stop Recording
Auto Start/Stop Recording feature can be used to immediately start recording data for newly created monitoring sessions.
Windows Vista support
The Serial Monitor is now compatible with Windows Vista (32-bit only). 64-bit support is coming.
Save to Log
Use "Save to Log" feature to save the monitoring session data to the log file.

Updated Features

Visualizers support
All existing Serial Monitor visualizers are supported. The upper limit on the amount of data the visualizers can display is removed.
Improved support for serial bridging
This version offers improved support for serial bridging (former Protocol Analyzer monitoring session type).
Improved support for data logging and log file play back
Improved support for data logging and log file play back - no upper limit on log file sizes, improved performance, stability and management.
Console View visualizer
Improved Console View visualizer - added support for line numbering and improved performance.

Bug Fixes

Windows 2000 compatibility isues
Windows 2000 compatibility issues fixed.
Known bugs
All known bugs of the previous version have been fixed.

Version 4.10

Released on 6/27/2006

Release Changes

New Features

Computer Restart Eliminated
The installer now does not require you to restart the computer on installation and uninstallation of the product.

Updated Features

Better Compatibility
The compatibility with various hardware devices has been extended.
Performance Tuning
The performance of the filtering driver has been increased.

Bug Fixes

Bug with playing back recorded Protocol Analzer sessions
Sessions recorded with Protocol Analyzer sometimes fail to play back.

Version 4.07

Released on 10/25/2005

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Bug in the installer
The product sometime fails to install on Windows 2K machines (without msvcr71.dll)

Version 4.06

Released on 10/18/2005

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Activation bug for Unlimited Site License
Activation bug for Unlimited Site License

Version 4.05

Released on 10/16/2005

Release Changes

New Features

New Installer
New Serial Monitor installer now gives you better flexibility to control the way the product installed.

Version 4.04

Released on 9/29/2005

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

On some machines the installation fails
Launch the installation. It may finish with an error.

Version 4.03

Released on 9/28/2005

Release Changes

New Features

Advanced Settings
Serial Monitor now allows you to tweak internal filter driver settings to achieve better performance.

Bug Fixes

Some multiport serial adapters are not supported
If you have such adapter you may not see its serial ports when creating new monitoring session. In Serial Devices those ports are displayed under "Non-Active" tab.
GPF when configuring logging for Protocol Analyzer
Create a new Protocol Analyzer monitoring session and select Logging on visualizers page. The crash will occur.
Console View does not automatically update in Protocol Analyzer mode.
Create a new Protocol Analyzer monitoring session and select Console View visualizer. You will notice that the visualizer is not automatically updated when new data is monitored.

Version 4.01

Released on 9/12/2005

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

You cannot use the Log File Playback monitoring session type
Start new monitoring session. In Wizard, select the "Log File Playback" session type and click the Next button. Nothing happens.

Version 4.00

Released on 9/10/2005

Release Changes

New Features

Seriously improved performance
New version offers completely redesigned internal structures and algorithms, boosting performance of both kernel mode and user mode components.
Simplified monitoring session creation/closing
Now you can connect to the serial device even if it is already used and disconnect from it at any time.
PnP and virtual serial devices support
The Serial Monitor now completely supports PnP and virtual serial devices with hot-plug and hot-unplug functionality.

Updated Features

Serial Port Information dialog changes
The dialog has been renamed into “Serial Devices” dialog and now displays more information about active serial devices and also allows you to remove registry entries for unused serial devices.

Version 3.22

Released on 7/20/2004

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Wizards and property sheets are incorrectly sized when using non-standard font size
Set Windows standard font size to higher value and run the Serial Monitor. You will see that program's wizards and property sheets are partly visible.
The product cannot be successfully registered on Windows NT 4.0 machine.
If you try to use the Registration Name/Unlock Code pair to register the software on Windows NT 4.0 machine, you will fail.

Version 3.21

Released on 6/1/2004

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Crash in Settings|Format
Create a monitoring session and go to the Tools|Settings menu option, then open the Format tab. The Serial Monitor will cause GPF.

Version 3.20

Released on 5/30/2004

Release Changes

Updated Features

Rendering performance has been enhanced

Bug Fixes

Minor bug fixes
Some small or rare bugs have been fixed.

Version 3.16

Released on 3/10/2004

Release Changes

Updated Features

New baud rates in Protocol Analyzer
Protocol Analyzer now allows you to specify two additional baud rates: 76800 and 230400

Bug Fixes

The Serial Monitor main window can be made too small.
You can reduce the Serial Monitor main window size to the minimum.
You are unable to launch the application under different user.
The Serial Monitor program group is installed under the current user profile.
GPF with overflow in Console View
If the long line is displayed in the Console View, the Serial Monitor may cause the General Protection Fault

Version 3.15

Released on 12/25/2003

Release Changes

New Features

New language packs.
Italian, Spanish and Russian languages added.

Version 3.10

Released on 10/3/2003

Release Changes

New Features

Hex Data display
You can now change the way the hex data displayed in Request View and Data View. Select the View|Hex Data Display… command for more information.
Find feature.
You can now search for a text in a Data View, Request View and Console View.
Always on top feature.
The Serial Monitor can now be forced to stay on top of all other windows. See the View menu for the command.

Bug Fixes

Moving the Start Menu group to another location.
Install the Serial Monitor and then move the program group to another location. The Serial Monitor will launch the Windows Installer in an attempt to find the modules.
Log files with gaps
Write the log file with gaps (no data) more than an hour long. When you close the monitoring session, the program will GPF. The same will occur when you try to open this log file for playback.

Version 3.03

Released on 8/28/2003

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

GPF while playing back log file.
Start the "Log File Playback" session. The Serial Monitor may sometimes fail to display correct data or cause a general protection fault.

Version 3.02

Released on 8/12/2003

Release Changes

Updated Features

The Logging module was completely overwritten to be more robust, fast and to produce smaller log files. CPU-intensive Zlib compression was replaced by the NTFS-compression.

Bug Fixes

Buffer overrun error
Start the Serial Port Monitor monitoring session and launch a CPU-intensive process in background. Sooner or later, the Serial Monitor's filter driver runs out of buffers and an error message or a system shut down occurs.

Version 3.01

Released on 7/20/2003

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

BSOD after the trial period is over
When the Serial Monitor's trial period is over, it brings the system down when trying to create a monitoring session.
BSOD during monitoring
Start the Serial Port Monitor monitoring session. Sometimes the Serial Monitor will immediately bug check the system
The session containing Line View will not save.
The attempt to save the session with Line View visualizer will fail.

Version 2.51

Released on 6/26/2003

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Status bar panes overlap
Start the Log File Playback monitoring session and select the Line View visualizer. The status bar panes will overlap
Skip button does not work
Start the Log File Playback monitoring session. Skip button (displayed during long pauses) will not work.

Version 2.50

Released on 6/24/2003

Release Changes

New Features

Line View visualizer appended.
The Serial Monitor now contains the new visualizer called Line View which shows the state of all serial and modem lines.
IOCTL_SERIAL_GETMODEMSTATUS serial input/output control code implemented.
The Serial Monitor now correctly intercepts and decodes the IOCTL_SERIAL_GETMODEMSTATUS input/output request.

Updated Features

Some corrections in French version.
French version of the Serial Monitor was slightly changed.

Bug Fixes

No Window Menu
Configure the monitoring session without visualizers (with only Logging enabled). Then choose Tools|Add New Visualizer and select some visualizers. The Window menu will not appear, instead part of it will be present in pop-up menus.
Session Error "Not enough storage is avaiable…" at high port rates
Configure the monitoring session and start an application performing high baud-rate transmissions. The Serial Monitor will most likely stop processing and/or display the "Not enough storage is available…" error.
Missing monitored data or Serial Monitor GPF after Port Open request.
Configure the monitoring session. Start the monitored application. After the application opens the port, the Serial Monitor will most likely miss some subsequent requests.
Multiple selected visualizers
Start the New Session Wizard. Select the monitoring session type, configure it and go to visualizers select page. Check some visualizers and then return back to selecting the monitoring session type. Select another session type and complete the wizard. You'll get several copies of selected visualizers.
BSOD on Serial Monitor process termination
Start the Serial Port Monitor monitoring session. If the Serial Monitor process is terminated during monitoring (by causing GPF or manually), the computer will most likely bugcheck when the port is closed by the monitored application.
BSOD on trying to open invalid (or locked) device
Start the Serial Port Monitor monitoring session. Enter the invalid device name or select the device which is already being used. The Serial Monitor will bugcheck your computer when the session is created.

Version 2.40

Released on 6/3/2003

Release Changes

New Features

Multi-language support added
The Serial Monitor now supports multiple languages. The user interface, documentation and supporting resources are all available on multiple languages.
French language pack
This version of the Serial Monitor contains English (US) and French (France) language packs.

Updated Features

Redesigned driver
The Serial Monitor filter driver has been completely rewritten to be faster and more robust.

Bug Fixes

Session serialization bug
Create the Serial Port Monitor session and configure logging. Save the session to the disk and try to open it again. The attempt can fail.
Incorrect Date in Log Configuration Dialog
Create the Log File Playback session type. Select the log file and the stream. The times displayed are incorrect.

Version 2.30

Released on 4/7/2003

Release Changes

New Features

Serial Monitor Converter SDK support
We have released the Serial Monitor Converter SDK. Version 2.30 or later is required for the SDK.

Version 2.26

Released on 2/28/2003

Release Changes

New Features

Log File Extended Playback
During playback you can now set the time scale multiplier from 1:16 to 16:1 of the original time. There are also two options - Stepped (for step by step confirmation and Continuous for playing back the whole log stream immediately)
Log File Compression Level Setup
Now you can setup one of three different compression levels for the log files the Serial Monitor produces. There are No compression, Optimize for speed and Optimize for Size levels, which let you to trade performance for the size of the log file

Version 2.25

Released on 2/9/2003

Release Changes

New Features

Windows NT 4.0 support
The Serial Monitor version 2.25 now supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP

Version 2.20

Released on 1/31/2003

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

HHD Software USB Monitor compliance
The Serial Monitor was changed to work with HHD Software USB Monitor when installed on single machine.

Version 2.16

Released on 1/3/2003

Release Changes

Bug Fixes

Incorrect Long Date format
On systems with old msvcrt.dll long date format is displayed incorrectly. 3903 is displayed instead of 2003 year.

Version 2.15

Released on 10/31/2002

Release Changes

New Features

Toolbar Customization
Now you have an ability to customize the Serial Monitor toolbars. Go to the Tools|Customize menu option and click the Toolbars tab. See on-line documentation for more information

Bug Fixes

Buttons on toolbar are grayed incorrectly.
Grayed buttons on toolbar are not the same as in menu.
Serial Monitor does not list COM ports starting with COM5 in Serial Port Monitor configuration page.
Start new monitoring session. If your computer is equipped with COM5 or more, the Serial Monitor will not list them.
Serial Monitor brings the system to the Blue Screen of Death while detaching from the serial port when monitoring some applications.
Start monitoring the application that makes heavy transfers through the serial device. Close the monitoring session and then close the monitored application. The system will bugcheck.

Version 2.10

Released on 9/2/2002

Release Changes

New Features

Keyboard Customization.
Select Tools|Customize to customize the keyboard shortcuts for any command in the Serial Monitor.
Serial Port Information.
Select Tools|Serial Port Information to display the complete information about any serial device.
Protocol Analyzer monitoring session type.
There is new monitoring session type available: Protocol Analyzer. It allows you to monitor the serial protocol between two different serial devices, connected by null-modem cables to your computer. See on-line documentation or product description for more information.
Windows XP themes support.
Serial Monitor now fully supports Windows XP themes.

Updated Features

User Interface.
Some user interface items have been updated. This includes splash screen, wizards and icons.

Bug Fixes

Program hangs on some configurations when trying to display Open/Save File common dialog.
On some computers running Windows 2000 select File|Open Session menu option and the Serial Monitor hangs while trying to display the Open File common dialog.

Version 2.01

Released on 8/14/2002

Release Changes

New Features

Add New Visualizer.
Create monitoring session. Select the Tools|Add New Visualizer… menu option and select any additional data visualizers to use in the current session.

Bug Fixes

Incorrect month number in Request View.
Create monitoring session with Request View visualizer. Monitor some data. You will see that the month number, displayed by the Request View is incorrect.
Stack overflow in Console View.
Create monitoring session with Console View visualizer. Monitor large binary transfers. The Serial Monitor may disappear without any notification when Console View tries to display the long line of binary data.
Memory leaks in Console View and Logging Module.
Create monitoring session with Console View visualizer and/or configure Logging. Monitor data for a while. Run Task Manager to view increased Virtual and Physical Memory usage for "Device Monitor.exe" process.

Version 2.00

Released on 7/15/2002
Original Version
No changes are available for this release.