Serial Monitor

Monitor, log and analyze your serial ports data flow
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Serial Port Monitor

Non-intrusive software serial port sniffer & RS232/RS422/RS485 protocol analyzer for Windows.

This software allows you to monitor the data that devices and apps exchange over serial ports. The program facilitates the development, debugging and analysis of software and hardware solutions that use serial communications for data exchange. It has full set of tools for successful decoding of serial protocols and analyzing packets data. The application's various editions include features for filtering, browsing, searching, recording, and data playback.

Serial Monitor provides not only a wide range of visualization tools for popular serial protocols (including PPP, MODBUS, BACnet MSTP) and raw data, but also utilities for creating your own custom visualizers, allowing you to parse any data and custom protocols in a convenient way. In addition to visualizers, product includes tools for data exporting, reproducing data from previously recorded log files, redirecting this data to COM ports, advanced serial port terminal, utility for sending MODBUS Commands and built-in scripting for tools automation.

This is entirely a software COM port analyzing and serial port data logging solution that allows you to avoid using hardware equipment, null-modem cable, additional DB-25 or DB-9 connectors and so on.

Our serial port data capturing software has been developed and constantly improved for more than 20 years. It has an intuitive user interface, detailed documentation with examples and requires no special programming skills to start using it. Download this COM port analyzer now and start spying serial ports in a few seconds!

How it Works

Serial Monitor works by installing a filter driver on top of a serial device driver. A filter driver intercepts all I/O requests issued by application. There are control requests that configure port parameters as well as data transfer requests that pass data between application and serial device. Each request is captured and passed to a running monitoring session within Serial Monitor for further analysis.

Serial Monitor includes a large set of data protocols to parse each intercepted data transfer request. The user can add his own protocols using the simple yet powerful protocol definition language.

Each monitored data packet is parsed according to the configured protocols. An optional capture filter can be used to locate data of interest. A wide set of built-in and custom data visualizers and exporters are provided to give the user powerful insight on the monitored data.

The built-in powerful Serial Terminal module provides a versatile terminal emulation environment which can be used in collaboration with a running monitoring session.

Serial Monitor provides rich support for MODBUS protocol and devices, including specialized data visualizers, MODBUS Send window (MODBUS packet builder and sender) and full MODBUS protocol definition.

Virtually every component of the Serial Monitor may be programmatically controlled by a running script, written in TypeScript (superset of JavaScript).

Download this software rs232/rs422/rs485 serial protocol analyzer now!


Serial port monitoring and data processing algorithms are extremely optimized in order to provide you with slick user experience and eliminate all negative impact on operating system performance, stability, computer resources consumption, and introduction of communication delays even at high non-standard data transfer rates. This makes our non-intrusive rs485/rs422, rs232 data tracer different from any competing products.

Our serial protocol analyzer supports all standard Data bits, Stop bits, Parity (odd/even/mark/space), software XON/XOFF and hardware flow control, Bit rates of 75, 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 bit/s and more.

It monitors data from plug and play I/O ports (COM Ports) interfaced by 16550 UART: COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4 ... COMN, custom and virtual serial ports correctly registered within Windows operating system and visible in device manager under standard "Ports (COM & LPT)" device class. It displays all I/O Control Code Requests (IOCTLs), I/O Request Packets (IRPs) from data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) devices, logs data from RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 interfaces and analyzes serial port data streams.

Being used with our Virtual Serial Port Tools, rs232 port sniffer may intercept, capture and trace serial port traffic which flows via named pipes.

It allows you to view, explore and export parsed data in a majority of binary and text formats: Hex, Binary, Decimal data, text: ASCII, ANSI, OEM, UNICODE UTF16, UTF8, ISO, CSV

Powerful display and capture filter features may be used if you want to customize serial port monitor data output.

Usage Areas

You may successfully use this serial communications viewer and debugger for:

  • Development of RS232, RS485 and RS422 peripheral devices and serial device drivers
  • Serial protocol development, system integration / diagnostics
  • Analyzing of data transferred between any RS232/422/485 device and Windows application
  • Debugging any serial port software or hardware
  • Snooping serial data, I/O request packets (IRPs) and control requests
  • Researching functionality of any third-party software applications and hardware devices
  • Detecting errors in asynchronous data transmission
  • Debugging and testing different MODBUS devices
  • Parsing and analyzing of MODBUS RTU / MODBUS ASCII protocol packets
  • Transmitting commands to developed device/app, view responses and test it for failures
  • Testing and troubleshooting serial protocols between serial device and device driver
  • Analyzing and reverse-engineering RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 serial protocols

Using custom protocol feature you can parse any SCADA industrial protocol which is transmitted over RS485, RS422 or RS232 serial connection, dial up/radio modem or TCP/IP, UDP/IP network.

Target Groups

The following target groups may found our software serial port logic analyzer useful:

  • Serial port device drivers and software developers
  • EIA RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 hardware developers, vendors / manufacturers
  • Lab and field engineers
  • Programmers, app testers and other IT specialists
  • SCADA software system engineers
  • Science technicians and university students
  • Industrial control equipment support specialists
  • Consultants and system integrators

Download our rs232/422/485 port monitor and serial datalogger/parser/decoder now!

OS Support

Our serial port analyzer and rs232 serial data logger supports all modern desktop/server Windows platforms starting from Windows XP (32-bit / 64-bit), including Windows 11, Windows 10 (x86 / x64) and Windows Server 2022 operating systems. ARM64 architecture is also supported

Supported Devices

Our serial port monitoring software allows you to capture communication data transmitted between serial applications and the following devices*:

  • Mini-ATS, Dial-up Modems, Fax-Modems, Computer terminals, teletypes
  • Industrial automation systems, RS232/485/422 industrial equipment
  • POS terminals, shop till systems, Bar code scanners and other point of sale devices
  • Network equipment, NPort servers, Wireless LAN equipment, Serial device servers
  • Diagnostic equipment, remote software debuggers
  • Routers, Multiplexers, Switches, Hubs, console ports, firewalls, load balancers
  • Serial to fiber converters, RS-232 to RS-422/485 converters, multiport serial boards
  • Scientific instruments, test instruments, printers, lamps, relays, telescopes
  • Test and measuring equipment, multimeters, manometers, oscilloscopes, sensors
  • Network-enable serial devices, uninterruptible power supply, serial device controllers
  • Low-speed satellite modems, satellite phones, GPS equipment, other satellite based transceiver devices
  • Echo sounder, sonars, anemometer, gyrocompass, autopilot, GPS receivers and other instruments
  • Servo drives, PLCs, VFDs, CNC equipment programmable via serial RS232/422/485 interface
  • MIDI-serial devices, Entertaining equipment, simulators
  • Door entry systems, HVAC, security systems
  • Cash registers, Bar-code readers, Card readers

* Connected to the computer via legacy / PnP RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 serial ports, serial to usb converters and usb to serial adapters.

Additionally, it supports monitoring of serial data from devices connected to the PC using wireless bluetooth serial ports. Software-based Virtual COM ports are also supported.

Supported Requests

Our serial port data snooping software application supports the following Serial Major I/O Requests:


Serial port snooper and data logger also supports the following Serial Device Control Requests or Input/Output Control Code Requests (IOCTLs):

Supported Protocols

Our serial protocol analyzer supports the following serial protocols:

  • MODBUS RTU Protocol
  • MODBUS ASCII Protocol
  • BACnet MSTP Protocol
  • PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
  • BVLC BACnet Virtual Link Control Protocol
  • ARP Protocol
  • CCP CAN Calibration Protocol
  • CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
  • DHCP, DHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  • DNS Domain Name System Protocol
  • GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation Protocol
  • HTTP Protocol
  • ICMP, ICMPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol
  • IPCP, IPCP6 Internet Protocol Control Protocol
  • IPv4, IPv6 Protocol
  • LCP Link Control Protocol
  • LLMNR Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution Protocol
  • LQR Protocol
  • MSRPC Protocol
  • NetBIOS Protocol
  • NetBIOS Datagram Service Protocol
  • NBSS NetBIOS Session Service Protocol
  • PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
  • SMB2, SMB Server Message Block Protocol
  • SMB over TCP Protocol
  • TCP Protocol
  • UDP Protocol
  • Custom Protocols

Download this serial port packets analyzer now!

Serial Port Monitor Features

  • Serial ports & devices real time monitoring

    Serial ports & devices real time monitoring

    The Serial Monitor detects all installed serial ports and PnP or virtual serial devices and displays them, grouping by device class. The list is automatically updated every time you plug or unplug a serial device.

    Each device's communications can be monitored in real time, and highly efficient and carefully optimized data processing algorithms help avoid communication delays. This makes our product, in fact, the only nonintrusive software serial protocol analyzer on the market today.

  • COM ports data filtering & output customization

    COM ports data filtering & output customization

    Product offers a generic serial data/requests filtering feature, which allows you to configure filtering for different visualizers, create filtering schemes and quickly apply them to different visualizer windows.

    Additionally, you may change the appearance of visual elements for monitored packets in the data visualizers including MODBUS View, Request View (Serial, Bridge), Data View, PPP View. No other solution will allow you to adjust your output as flexibly and conveniently as our product.

  • Serial data logging & log file playback to the screen

    Serial data logging & log file playback to the screen

    Our product is the only one among all serial ports sniffers, which offers you the opportunity not only to monitor the data in real time, but also to record the received data in the log file with the possibility to replay and analyze it later.

    Using our product, you will not only be able to reproduce arbitrary fragments of previously recorded data on the screen, but also redirect them to a selected serial port (See "Data Repeater" feature). This feature is also implemented only in our product.

  • Browsing monitored data, searching for data patterns

    Browsing monitored data, searching for data patterns

    Basic Serial Monitor functionality includes the ability to view and navigate monitored serial data. All data visualizers allow a given data pattern to be easily found using the search function. The search may be performed among the whole visualizer contents or among the selected area only.

    Some visualizers also provide advanced searching capabilities, including searching for text in different encodings or binary data and a search with regular expressions.

  • Monitoring of bridged serial connections

    Monitoring of bridged serial connections

    Serial Bridge is a unique feature of our product. It is used to monitor the serial connection between two distinct serial devices. In this mode, a computer with two serial ports and an installed product is placed between two serial devices communicating with each other.

    You start monitoring Serial Bridge and watch all the packets exchanged by these devices, with the ability to parse and analyze them in detail. You can specify different settings for both ports including baud rate, parity, byte size, stop bits and flow control.

  • Serial ports graphical data analysis & statistics

    Serial ports graphical data analysis & statistics

    Only our product offers you a truly sophisticated graphical and statistical analysis of data obtained during the monitoring of serial ports. You can analyze not only real-time data, but also historical data stored in pre-recorded log files.

    You can inspect the following data parameters: Packets Total/sec, Bytes Total/sec, Bytes Read/sec, Bytes Written/sec, IO Packets/sec. The product allows you to customize the list of data being analyzed, and specify the type and form of the analysis.

  • Packet View: displaying monitored packets in a table

    Packet View: displaying monitored packets in a table

    The Packet View visualizer provides the combination of brief packet information for each monitored packet and in-depth analysis for an individually selected packet. It is structurally divided into two panes.

    The upper pane displays brief information for each monitored packet in a table. The lower pane lists all other supported and installed visualizers which are used to display the individual packet information. Once you select the packet in the upper pane, all its internal fields are decoded and displayed in the visualizers in the lower pane. For example, you may select a MODBUS protocol packet to see it decoded in Request View and MODBUS View visualizers.

  • Request View: displaying packets in a Hex/ASCII view

    Request View: displaying packets in a Hex/ASCII view

    The Request View visualizer displays each monitored packet. It decodes the packet's internal fields, and works in two modes - Basic and Complete. In Basic mode only the main packet fields are decoded and displayed, while some others being available as popup hints. In Complete mode the entire packet is decoded and all accompanying data is provided in Hex/ASCII view.

    The contents of the visualizer can be copied into the Clipboard or exported into the file in various formats. With outstanding performance at the first place, the Request View visualizer is your best tool to analyze monitored data.

  • Structure View: parsing & displaying captured serial packet data

    Structure View: parsing & displaying captured serial packet data

    Structure View data visualizer is a two-part window. First part displays each monitored packet parsed according to specified set of protocols. Second part displays raw packet contents. Cursor navigation may be synchronized between two parts. Each packet is matched against one or more of loaded protocol definition files and all protocol fields are shown in the top part of the visualizer. For each field, its name, value, starting address and size are displayed. If field consists of other fields, you may expand it.

    Visualizer supports configuring protocol-based filtering (aka Display Filter) and allows changing of the root protocol.

  • Raw Data View: displaying raw packet data for serial protocols

    Raw Data View: displaying raw packet data for serial protocols

    The visualizer has two windows, one of which displays data sent to the Serial device, and another one displays data received from the Serial device.

    All subsequent packets are concatenated into a single data stream, which is displayed as sequence of hexadecimal, decimal, octal, binary data and text. Alternatively, the stream may be displayed as a sequence of floating-point numbers with single or double precision.

    The data visualizer is extremely flexible and allows you to customize both its layout and appearance.

  • Data View: displaying read/written packet data in separate windows

    Data View: displaying read/written packet data in separate windows

    The serial Data View visualizer has two panes. It displays incoming data in one pane and outgoing data in another one.

    The contents of each pane can be copied into the Clipboard or exported into the file in various formats.

    Its unique data filtering capabilities make this visualizer a very handy serial protocol analysis tool.

  • Console View: displaying monitored data in a serial console

    Console View: displaying monitored data in a serial console

    Console View visualizer is especially useful while monitoring a text-based serial protocol. It displays incoming and outgoing text data. Instead of exposing data as individual packets, as most other visualizers do, it groups data according to the underlying text protocol. You will easily see the request sent to the serial device as well as device's response.

    It supports line numbering, copying and exporting functions.

  • Line View: displaying the status of serial (modem) control lines

    Line View: displaying the status of serial (modem) control lines

    When monitoring a modem connection, the serial Line View visualizer may reproduce the well-known modem "lamps", which they used to have on older modems.

    It displays the status of Serial (Modem) control lines: Data Terminal Ready DTR, Carrier Detect DCD, Data Set Ready DSR, Request To Send RTS, Clear To Send CTS, Ring Indicator RI, Transmitted Data TxD, Received Data RxD.

  • Serial PPP View: parsing PPP protocol packets

    Serial PPP View: parsing PPP protocol packets

    The Serial PPP View visualizer can be used to decode Point-to-Point Protocol packets, as well as a number of packets that can be encapsulated in PPP packets.

    PPP View supports the following protocols: Novell IPX, OSI Network Layer Control Protocol, DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol, Appletalk Control Protocol, Link Control Protocol, Password Authentication Protocol, Link Quality Report, Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, Multilink Protocol, Compression Control Protocol, Extensible Authentication Protocol, NETBIOS Protocol.

  • MODBUS View: parsing MODBUS packets

    MODBUS View: parsing MODBUS packets

    MODBUS is an application layer messaging protocol, positioned at level 7 of the OSI model, that provides client/server communication between devices connected on different types of buses or networks.

    Serial MODBUS View visualizer parses MODBUS protocol requests and responses according to MODBUS APPLICATION PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION V1.1a. The MODBUS Send Module can be used to construct and send MODBUS requests. In this case the MODBUS View visualizer, can be used to see the requests sent by the MODBUS Send Module and packets the MODBUS-compliant device respond with.

  • Parsing BACnet MSTP packets

    Parsing BACnet MSTP packets

    The built-in protocol definition for parsing BACnet, a data communications protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks. It is an approved and standard protocol by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

    Use with Structure View data visualizer, Text Exporter or Custom View data visualizer to get full insight on underlying protocol messages exchanged by devices on your network.

  • Displaying monitored packets in a Hex/ASCII view (Request View: Bridge)

    Displaying monitored packets in a Hex/ASCII view (Request View: Bridge)

    The serial bridge Request View visualizer displays each monitored packet. It decodes the packet's internal fields, and works in two modes - Basic and Complete. In Basic mode only the main packet fields are decoded and displayed, while some others being available as popup hints. In Complete mode the entire packet is decoded and all accompanying data is provided in Hex/ASCII view.

    The contents of the visualizer can be copied into the Clipboard or exported into the file in various formats.

  • Displaying read/written data in separate windows (Data View: Bridge)

    Displaying read/written data in separate windows (Data View: Bridge)

    The serial bridge Data View visualizer has two panes. It displays data that comes from one end of the virtual link in the top pane and data that comes from another end in the bottom pane.

    The contents of each pane can be copied into the Clipboard or exported into the file in various formats.

    Its unique data filtering capabilities make this visualizer a very handy serial bridge protocol analysis tool.

  • Sniffing data on remote serial ports

    Sniffing data on remote serial ports

    With this unique feature of our product, you can snoop data even on remote serial ports. In this mode, you install the Device Monitoring Server on your remote computer, connect to it using Serial Monitor running on your workstation, and access all traffic going between that remote COM port and connected device.

    You can even have multiple simultaneous remote monitoring and recording sessions to a single device from computers in different places around the world.

  • Serial terminal

    Serial terminal

    The built-in Serial Terminal module is used to create serial port terminal sessions. Once created, the session can be used to send text or binary data to a connected serial device and to receive device's responses.

    Combined with Serial Monitor's connection monitoring capabilities, it becomes a powerful debugging and protocol testing tool. Combined with built-in advanced scripting, it delivers even more power and becomes the versatile serial port communications debugging tool.

  • MODBUS send: sending MODBUS protocol commands

    MODBUS send: sending MODBUS protocol commands

    This MODBUS Master/Slave device simulator tool provides an easy way to control a MODBUS-compatible device. It can come of great help when you need to debug your device and verify its responses. You can set all standard or user-defined MODBUS function codes visually and then just click on the Send button.

    It is convenient to use a MODBUS View visualizer (RS422/RS485/RS232 MODBUS sniffer and MODBUS ASCII/RTU protocol analyzer) in conjunction with a MODBUS Send window for two-way debugging (to view both requests and responses).

  • Scripting support

    Scripting support

    The built-in scripting support offers the possibility to control several in-application objects with user-written scripts written in TypeScript (JavaScript superset).

    Being used with custom protocols parsing feature (Custom visualizers) and Serial Terminal / MODBUS Send it provides you with serial protocol automatic event control handler functionality. You may automatically send commands to your device upon receiving specific data.

  • Capture filter

    Capture filter

    A filter is a single condition which follows the syntax of Protocol Definition expressions. It can refer to any field in captured packet and use any supported logical or arithmetic operator.

    You can set the capture filter when you start new or configure running monitoring session. You can either select one of the predefined filters or create your own.

    Capture Filter can be used to discard entire packets according to specified criteria, while Display Filter can be used to hide packets from the specific Data Visualizer.

  • Custom protocols

    Custom protocols

    Serial Monitor comes with a lot of pre-installed protocols. This feature also allows the customer to add the definition of the custom protocol to Serial Monitor. After this, the application will start parsing and decoding all matching packets according to custom protocol definition.

    Being used with automation tools (Scripting, Serial Terminal, MODBUS Send) it provides you with serial protocol automatic event control handler functionality. You may automatically send commands to your device upon receiving specific data.

  • Custom visualizers

    Custom visualizers

    Custom Visualizer allows the user to create his own visualizer in TypeScript. Custom visualizer receives each packet parsed according to selected protocol and adds one or more text strings to the output. It also defines several visual schemes which may later be customized by the user.

  • Root protocol

    Root protocol

    Root protocol, a feature of Structure View data visualizer, as well as several other components, allows the user to focus on a specific protocol frame inside another encapsulating protocol. For example, the user may focus on MODBUS or PPP protocol frame encapsulated in serial protocol frame.

  • Raw data exporter

    Raw data exporter

    This exporter parses captured serial port data according to the loaded set of protocols, applies optional protocol-based filtering and Root Protocol and writes the resulting binary data into the output file. It produces the result identical to the lower part of the Structure View data visualizer, but does not display any UI, writing raw data directly to the file.

  • Text exporter

    Text exporter

    This exporter parses captured serial port data according to the loaded set of protocols, applies optional protocol-based filtering and Root Protocol and writes the resulting text data into the output file. It formats its textual output exactly like the upper part of the Structure View data visualizer, but does not display any UI, writing formatted data directly to the file.

  • Multi-source monitoring

    Multi-source monitoring

    This feature supports joining monitored data from multiple serial devices into a single monitoring session. Device Monitoring Studio makes sure packets are correctly sorted and presented through a number of supported data visualizers. Data logging also supports multi-source sessions.

  • Data repeater (playback to the port)

    Data repeater (playback to the port)

    Data Repeater sends all monitored data to a selected serial port (or two ports) and supports both active serial monitoring sessions and playback sessions.

Our Serial Protocol Analyzer Advantages

Reliable Supports high data transfer rates without affecting PC performance.
Useful Supports session data logging for replaying back later.
Flexible Allows you to configure the way it displays raw data streams.
Friendly Allows you to tune user interface according to your requirements.
Multitasking Monitors any number of serial devices simultaneously.
Cautious Allows you to save monitored data even after session is stopped.

Our Serial Port Sniffer Usage Scenarios

  • Developing of devices, software & implementing serial protocols

    In the process of development of serial devices there is a necessity of their communication with PC via RS232 ports. This raises the question of implementing a protocol for data exchange between the device and the computer, and often it is necessary to monitor the data that the software application sends to the device using the serial port. Our product was specially designed to provide you with the most complete data about what is happening in your computer at the serial port level in the most convenient way. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.

  • Debugging serial communications

    As you implement serial communications protocols, develop applications or hardware devices, you may need to monitor the data being sent to the ports and interfaces, modify this data, insert delays, and even insert new data packets. And this is exactly the scenario for which our product is best suited. It is the only one that allows you to simultaneously parse the data you receive, construct new packets, send them to the port when certain events are triggered, and automate this with scripts. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.

  • Automating serial communications

    The ability to create your own visualizers, custom protocol parsers, built-in serial terminal and extensive scripting support by all modules of our product makes it possible for you to effectively create serial device and application emulators. You can use them as a "response part" during communications with devices that you don't know the algorithm for working with, and automate these communications by processing events and responding to events in scripts. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.

  • Reverse engineering serial communications

    If you have a serial device and need to develop a software application for it or have a program and need to develop a device for it, then our product is exactly what will help you. Often, in such cases, you do not have documentation for the device or application and you have to intercept their data, reconstruct communication protocols and individual packets. Our product has not only a complete set of tools for this, but also the means to automate this process. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.

  • Automatic serial software & hardware testing

    Our product provides simultaneous data tracking, data parsing (according to any given protocol), data filtering, event processing, packet construction and automation by means of scripting. Since such set is provided only by our product, it is the only one you can use to create inexpensive automatic testing systems for serial equipment and applications. This is especially important in those industries where there are high quality requirements to the equipment being produced. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.

  • Developing integration solutions

    Since our product allows you to parse and log serial data coming from multiple serial devices connected to the PC or even remote ones using your local or Internet connection, it can be used as a foundation for building various integration solutions based on it. All operational algorithms are carefully optimized in order to get the maximum performance, so the real-time solutions based on this product can be appropriate even where any other solution will not give proper results. Download the trial version, it is free and does not require registration.

Serial Port Monitor Tech Specs

General Information
English Spanish German French Italian Portuguese Russian
First Release:7/15/2002
License Type:Shareware
Additional Downloads & Installation Instructions
System Requirements
Windows 11 Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP Windows Server 2022 Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008
CPU:Multi-core x86, x64 or ARM64 compatible
Memory:2 GB
Storage:25.697 MB
Release Details
View Changes
Size:12.849 MB
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