Compare Device Monitoring Studio Editions

Serial ports & devices real time monitoring
COM ports data filtering & output customization
Packet View: displaying monitored packets in a table
Request View: displaying packets in a Hex/ASCII view
Data View: displaying read/written packet data in separate windows
Console View: displaying monitored data in a serial console
Line View: displaying the status of serial (modem) control lines
Serial data logging & log file playback to the screen
Browsing monitored data, searching for data patterns
Monitoring of bridged serial connections
Serial ports graphical data analysis & statistics
Displaying monitored packets in a Hex/ASCII view (Request View: Bridge)
Displaying read/written data in separate windows (Data View: Bridge)
Structure View: parsing & displaying captured serial packet data
Serial PPP View: parsing PPP protocol packets
MODBUS View: parsing MODBUS packets
Parsing BACnet MSTP packets
Serial terminal
Capture filter
Root protocol
Raw data exporter
Text exporter
Raw Data View: displaying raw packet data for serial protocols
Sniffing data on remote serial ports
MODBUS send: sending MODBUS protocol commands
Scripting support
Custom protocols
Custom visualizers
Multi-source monitoring
Data repeater (playback to the port)
USB devices & connections real time monitoring
USB data filtering & output customization
USB data logging & log file playback
Browsing monitored data, searching for data patterns
USB data graphical analysis & statistics
Packet View: displaying monitored packets in a table
URB View: displaying monitored USB Request Blocks
USB endpoints filtering feature
Structure View: parsing & displaying USB packet data
HID View: parsing of Human Interface Device (HID) packets
Still Image View: parsing of USB Still Image and MTP packets
Mass Storage View: parsing of USB Mass Storage packets
Audio View: parsing of USB Audio packets
Video View: parsing of USB Video packets
Communications View: parsing of USB Communications packets
Capture filter
Raw data exporter
Text exporter
Root protocol
Sniffing data on remote USB devices
Raw Data View: displaying raw packet data
Custom protocols
Custom visualizers
Multi-source monitoring
HID send: sending HID protocol commands to a device
Scripting support
Real-time network connections monitoring
Network data filtering & output customization
Network data logging & log file playback
Browsing monitored data, searching for data patterns
Deep inspection of 50+ major network protocols
Network data graphical analysis & statistics
Structure View: parsing & displaying captured network packets data
Capture filter
Raw data exporter
Text exporter
HTTP View: parsing and displaying of http requests and responses
Raw Data View: displaying raw packet data for network protocols
Scripting support for network capture tools
Script debugger
Multi-source network monitoring
Custom network data visualizers
Parsing custom network protocols
MODBUS TCP automatic events handling
MODBUS Send: sending MODBUS protocol commands
Packet builder & sender