Free Hex Editor Neo

Modify your large files with Free version of HHD Software Hex Editor Neo

Free Hex Editor Neo

Free Hex Editor Neo is the fastest large files optimized binary file editor for Windows platform developed by HHD Software Ltd. It's distributed under "Freemium" model and provides you with all basic editing features for free.

You may extensively use the following basic functionality: Type, Cut, Copy, Paste, Fill, Delete, Insert, Import and Export and even try some advanced functionality. Overwrite and insert modes are supported. You may also exchange binary hexadecimal data with other applications through the Clipboard. This free binary file editing utility also provides you with the following features: Unlimited Undo/Redo; GoTo Offset; Save/Load Operation History; 32bit/64bit Patch Creation; Find/Replace for hex/decimal/octal/float/double data and binary codes; Grouping by Bytes, Words, Double Words, Quad Words;

Freeware Hex Editor Neo is extremely useful for viewing, modifying and analyzing hexadecimal data in extra large files and disks. For example, if you try to search and replace text/hex/decimal/binary data pattern in 1GB - 1TB file, you'll simply find no competitors for our product. The most frequent scenario for any competitive hexeditor will be: I'm sitting here and waiting but never get the result.

Download Free Hex Editor Neo now and start to edit binary files in a few seconds!

Free Hex Editor Neo Features

  • Opening and efficient handling of huge files

    Opening and efficient handling of huge files

    During hex editor program development we focused on its performance and reliability, so the product is based on the most advanced and efficient data processing algorithms. We have created an absolutely unique data editing software, which is able to successfully handle files of ANY size and has absolutely no analogues in this regard. Thus, any extra large file supported by the underlying file system (FAT, FAT32, NTFS) is automatically supported by our product.

  • Instant data processing regardless of size

    Instant data processing regardless of size

    Thanks to the use of highly efficient algorithms, hardware acceleration and extensive use of multi-threading technology, the product always remains responsive and quickly performs all binary data editing and file modification operations (including basic I/O, search, replace and clipboard operations) with data blocks of unlimited size. Thus, only using our hex editing software you avoid situations when you lose all modifications due to unpredictably long data processing operations.

  • Basic file editing features

    Basic file editing features

    Using this binary file editing software, you can perform most manipulations with the file data. You can type data, write data to file (direct hex file modification), select data, remove selections, insert data into file, delete binary data from file, insert another file, fill selection with raw hex data patterns, save/load files. It supports overwrite/insert writing modes and allows you to use clipboard: cut, copy/paste, merge data. Modified data is highlighted. You can use 'goto offset' command or make quick address bookmarks for easy navigation.

  • Portable hex editor installation

    Portable hex editor installation

    Product setup supports installation of hex editor in portable mode. Once installed, the portable version of hex editor can be copied to any location, transferred to different computers without using the installer anymore. In portable mode setup allows the user to select a removable drive or network share as a destination folder. Hex editor portable edition doesn't make any changes to the system registry, doesn't use shell extensions and creates no shortcuts. All changes are limited to a file system and transacted on supported operating systems.

  • Advanced formatting & grouping options

    Advanced formatting & grouping options

    By default Hex Editor Neo displays binary/hexadecimal data as a grid of cells with editable hex codes and allows you to configure number of columns. Codes can be displayed as Binary, Hex, Decimal, Octal, Float or Double grouped by Bytes, Words, Double Words and Quad Words allowing you to view and edit it in a variety of formats, including single-precision floating-point format (IEEE 754) and double-precision floating-point format (IEEE 754). A view type is a property of individual editor window, so you can open several editor windows with different view types for your convenience.

  • Extremely flexible UI: layouts, skins, color schemes

    Extremely flexible UI: layouts, skins, color schemes

    Hex editor application comes with professionally designed color schemes to enhance your productivity. You can customize every visible aspect of the editor and save customizations as a scheme. You can customize toolbars, layouts, placements, fonts, colors, keyboard shortcuts, directories used to search for included files, associations between structures and file extensions. Most interface dialogs allow you to change their size and save it to be automatically restored next time you use it. Input fields store entered values and provide you with a list of recently used items.

  • Instant search for specific data

    Instant search for specific data

    The Find command allows you to search data within selection or whole file and instantly find Binary/Hex data patterns. Searching for Decimal/Octal/Float/Double patterns is also supported. Product supports searching for chars and ASCII text strings as well as Unicode texts. When the pattern is found, the cursor is moved to the beginning of located fragment. To continue searching, just use the 'Edit » Find Next' or 'Edit » Find Previous' commands. In order to find binary-values, hex-values, byte patterns, integers, floats or texts just switch input type, then your choice and search history will be saved for your convenience.

  • Instant search with data replacement

    Instant search with data replacement

    The Replace command is used to find a specific hex/text pattern in a binary file and replace it with different one. The Find & Replace Dialog is used to specify both patterns and search options. The length of the search and replace pattern is not limited and you can replace any found fragment with a different fragment of arbitrary length or even with an empty one (the found pattern occurrences are removed from the document). When you use replacing function, binary file editor starts searching for a pattern. When pattern is located, the cursor is moved to the beginning of the pattern and a number of options are provided.

  • Unlimited Undo and Redo

    Unlimited Undo and Redo

    The product effectively stores all data regarding modifications you make to the document and provides support for an unlimited number of operations that can be reverted and repeated. The hex modifier allows you to browse through the recent file modifications in the operations history, use the Undo or Redo commands, as well as a special History Tool Window. Thanks to the efficient storage structure and most advanced data processing algorithms, any number of changes you have made to the file can be reverted and repeated instantly, regardless of the document size.

  • Modifications history saving & loading

    Modifications history saving & loading

    For your convenience, we have created a separate window with a visual representation of all changes you make to the source file or data. The entire operations history can be compressed and saved to your disk in the form of a file. It then may be loaded and applied to the same document, effectively restoring all modifications made to the binary file and it's revision branches. In this way, you can share the entire changes history with a colleague so that in addition to the final result, he can also track the whole sequence of your modifications that led to this result.

  • Automatic patch creation

    Automatic patch creation

    The product provides you with the ability to instantly create patches. A binary patch is a difference between two states of a document. The patch can be distributed and applied to the same file resulting in the same modifications being made to a source file. With just single click you can create x86 or x64 patch file. Hex Editor makes binary diff between original and result revisions of a document and automatically creates 32bit or 64bit patch file. You can also create self-installing exe patch. Self-installing exe patch file also supports file hash checking. Hex Editor Patch API provides additional methods of applying patches.

  • Regular expressions support

    Regular expressions support

    Hex Editor Neo offers an advanced data search capabilities using sophisticated RegEx search patterns. Finding RegExp patterns can often be helpful in those data mining scenarios where standard text string or binary searches are not applicable.

    HexEditor Neo allows you to use ECMAScript-compatible regular expression in the following components and modules: Find and Find All, Replace and Replace All, Find in Files and Replace in Files, Pattern Statistics and Pattern Coloring.

  • Viewing and editing file attributes

    Viewing and editing file attributes

    Our hex editor supports editing of file attribute states. You can view file attributes, edit some of it, apply modifications and revert back edited attributes at any time. Here is a list of file attributes supported by our editor: File name, Archive, Hidden, System, Read-Only, Sparse file, Temporary, Off-line, Encrypted, Compressed, Has Reparse Points, Created Date/Time, Last Access Date/Time, Last Write Date/Time, Hard Links, Streams, Total Size.

  • Settings manager

    Settings manager

    Our hex editing tool kit is designed to protect user settings. It also allows you to safely transfer settings to a new workstation or laptop. Settings Manager allows you to export/import almost all of your settings or safely reset them to the application defaults. There is also an option for you to choose where to store personal settings. It can be sored in Windows registry (Registry Mode), local file (Portable Mode) or even on shared locations (OneDrive, Dropbox).

  • Document printing

    Document printing

    Hex Editor Neo provides you with a powerful document printing tool, which supports printing data with headers, footers and configurable margins. The utility supports printing of the whole document, selected data only or data within the specified range. All standard print settings available in Windows are also supported.

  • Multilingual user interface

    Multilingual user interface

    Hex Editor Neo is a multilingual application. It provides you with a user-friendly GUI, translated to all the most popular languages of the world. There is also a toolkit available for everyone to translate the UI into any language. We provide discounts or free licenses for people who translate the product into other languages.

  • Native support for Windows color themes

    Native support for Windows color themes

    Our editor is the only one of the binary editors now that provides native support for Windows color themes, including dark ones. All interface elements, including the editable area and documents opened there automatically support your Windows colors and style, making the editing process pleasing to the eye in any light.

  • Native support for high-DPI displays

    Native support for high-DPI displays

    Neo is the only binary file editor that provides you with a 100% high-DPI friendly user interface. It's the only one that doesn't use bitmap graphics at all. All UI elements, including icons, are made using vector graphics only, so they scale to high resolutions without any issues or artifacts.

  • Editing files opened in external applications

    Editing files opened in external applications

    Our hexadecimal editor may share edited binary files with external applications. When an external application modifies a shared file, HexEdit Neo detects it and allows you to either discard the changes or merge it with modifications already made in the editor. Automatic file compare utility (hex diff tool) may be used to find differences between the current and previous versions. Optionally, all previous revisions of the file may be kept by the hex editor app and used in your work.

  • Pattern coloring (max. 3 rules)

    Pattern coloring (max. 3 rules)

    You can use Hex Editor Pattern Coloring feature in order to automatically highlight specific patterns in an edited file. The hex editor supports highlighting of binary, hex, text and RegExp patterns. A Pattern Coloring Tool Window is used to define one or more patterns and their coloring rules. For each defined pattern, background color, foreground (text) color and outline color are defined.

    Standard Edition allows you to define at most 3 coloring rules.

  • Find All

    Find All

    Our hex editor allows you to find all pattern entries in a text or binary file within a single operation. This absolutely unique feature allows you to search a million pattern occurrences in a gigabytes of data in just seconds. Only our product is able to provide you with a detailed list with millions offsets within the file where the searched data occurs in a few seconds. And even more, you will get a ready-to-use multiple selection of all the regions with occurring data. If necessary, it can be converted to bookmarks. Selection Details window may be used to browse results. Message box with a total number of occurrences found is displayed when searching finishes.

  • Replace All

    Replace All

    This extremely powerful command can be used to locate all occurrences of one pattern and then replace them with another one. The Find & Replace dialog is used to specify both patterns and search/replace options. There are no any size restrictions, you can specify any length of replacement patterns. Feature supports finding and replacing string patterns in almost any character encoding (including UTF8 & UTF16 Unicode strings). It also supports replacing of hex, decimal/integer, binary, octal, float, double data patterns. Regular expressions are also supported for both find and replace patterns, making this product indispensable in complicated replace scenarios.

  • Visual operations & modifications history browsing

    Visual operations & modifications history browsing

    We have created a simple and intuitive instrument for easy document modification management that supports branching - Operation History. This is an absolutely unique feature of our product, which allows you to manage clearly visualized changes in just one mouse click. History Tool Window displays file modification operations as an illustrated list. Similar operations are grouped by default for your convenience. Different branches or document revisions are marked with an overlay icon. To switch to a given operation/branch, just click it. All document windows are immediately updated to reflect changes.

  • Visual operations & modifications history options

    Visual operations & modifications history options

    There are a number of options within the operations history that make it easier to work with. The first is a separate interactive window, where all operations made over the document are presented as a tree with their mutual relations and branches. Each tree element describes the operation performed on the document and is active. With just one click you can turn the document into the state that the document was in when the described operation was performed. There is also Purge function that provides you with a history purging capabilities making it easy for you to navigate through the list.

  • Multiple selection support

    Multiple selection support

    The unique multiple selection concept is used throughout the Hex Editor Neo. A multiple selection is a collection of contiguous ranges. Such selection may arise as a result of user's action or as a result of executing a command. All Hex Editor Neo's commands and modules fully support multiple selections and work with them in a very efficient way. A multiple selection collection can be converted into bookmarks and vice versa for your convenience.

  • Selection saving, loading and exporting

    Selection saving, loading and exporting

    A multiple selection of any complexity may be compressed and saved to a file. It then may be loaded to any document, possibly merging with an existing selection. This opens up a variety of additional file editing options that are not possible with any other tool. For example, you can first create a special file filled with a specific sequence of bytes, execute find all command and get a multiple selection that can be used then with a different file.

  • Base converter

    Base converter

    The Base Converter is a built-in easy-to-use tool for converting data between hexadecimal, decimal/integer, octal, float (single-precision floating-point number), double (double-precision floating-point number) and binary numeric formats. In addition, you may use it to convert text strings encoded using ASCII character codes, UNICODE character codes or EBCDIC character codes.

    Once you enter the value in one of the supported formats, it gets immediately converted into other compatible format.

  • Data inspector

    Data inspector

    The Data Inspector allows you to interpret/modify the data under cursor in several formats and optionally highlight cells occupied by the selected value in edited document.

    Hex Editor Neo supports interpretation of the following data types: BYTE, USHORT, UINT, ULONGLONG, Char (8-bit ASCII), wchar_t (16-bit UNICODE), SHORT (16-bit signed integer), INT (32-bit signed integer), LONGLONG, Float, Double, FileTime, time_t (32-bit, 64-bit), signed time_t (32-bit, 64-bit), DOSDate, DOStime and CUSTOM data type.

  • Bookmarks


    Hex Editor Neo supports advanced bookmarking. Bookmarks support grouping and color highlighting for bookmarked regions. Unlimited number of bookmarks can be created within each group. You can create, edit bookmarks, name them for easy navigation and set coloring schemes for convenient tooltips recognition. You can even manage bookmarks behavior scenarios. The distinctive feature of our editor is that the bookmark concept is closely integrated with other components and can interact with them. You can save/load bookmarks, convert selections to bookmarks and vice versa.

  • Encodings


    Hex Editor Neo is capable of displaying text in the text pane according to a selected character encoding. More than 130 different encodings are supported (subject to installed code page files and fonts). Encoding can be specified separately for each editor window. Different ANSI, EBCDIC, UNICODE, ISO, OEM, ISCII, MAC as well as US-ASCII (7-bit), KOI8-R, KOI8-U, T.61, EUC, IA5, Europa 3, IBM5550, Asian and most country-specific encodings are supported. Multi-byte UNICODE character sets are also supported including UTF-8, UTF-16 (UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE charsets) with or without BOM.

  • Advanced Copy & Export (Raw Text Format)

    Advanced Copy & Export (Raw Text Format)

    Selected document data may be converted into a number of supported text formats and placed into the Clipboard or exported to a file.

    Raw Text Format allows you to copy the selected data from the text pane "as it is". There is also an data exporting option to specify text encoding that may be selected from the list of more than 130 different encodings, including ANSI, EBCDIC, UNICODE, ISO, OEM, ISCII, MAC as well as US-ASCII (7-bit), KOI8-R, KOI8-U, T.61, EUC, IA5, Europa 3, IBM5550, Asian and multi-byte UNICODE charsets including UTF-8, UTF-16 (UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE) with or without BOM.

  • Advanced Copy & Export (Formatted Data Format)

    Advanced Copy & Export (Formatted Data Format)

    Selected document data may be converted into a number of supported text formats and placed into the Clipboard or exported to a file.

    This powerful format allows you to convert a binary data to a fragment of formatted data. There are following data exporting formats are supported for both Little-endian and Big-endian byte ordering: Formatted text export (exporting data as: Plain text, Space-separated text, Comma-separated text), Source code text export (exporting data as: C/C++ array, Java array, javaScript array, Delphi, C# .NET array, VB .NET array, PHP array, Assembler array).

  • Smart text pasting

    Smart text pasting

    The editor allows you to operate with clipboard and texts in a most convenient way. Almost all text converting and parsing tasks is performed automatically. If you are pasting text data from the clipboard, then, depending on where you plan to paste it, the data will be converted to the appropriate format and correctly pasted from the buffer. Text is either inserted "as is" if the text panel is active, or it is parsed as a sequence of hexadecimal or decimal integers if the code panel is active.

  • Built-in Explorer

    Built-in Explorer

    For the most convenient browsing of folders, files and work with the file system Hex Editor Neo provides you with two Windows Explorer-like windows as part of its user interface. They can be used for regular file and folder operations and are tightly integrated with all other functions of the editor. You can open files in the editor by double-clicking them in the Explorer window and simply dragging them to the editor window. Standard Edition unlocks single explorer window.

  • Byte editor (Modify Bits)

    Byte editor (Modify Bits)

    This special feature of Hex Editor Neo allows you to modify individual bits of hex, decimal/integer and octal items. A simple visual tool allows you to modify bytes at the level of individual bits, create/edit bit masks and more.

  • Technical support

    Technical support

    According to our Support Policy, e-mail and phone technical support is provided to registered users of Standard, Professional or Ultimate editions of the Hex Editor Neo. We provide only limited or no support for users of the Free Edition.

  • Opening disks (physical disk editor)

    Opening disks (physical disk editor)

    Hex Editor Neo supports opening physical disks for raw data viewing and editing. The product parses all necessary disk information and shows it in the Volume Navigator window. For easy navigation and disk sectors editing this window is synchronized with the main editor window. Each individual object in the Volume Navigator window is associated with its offset inside the loaded disk data, which makes the process of disk editing simple and easy. Hex Editor Neo supports hard disk drives (HDD), SSD, CD/DVD/BD, USB flash drives and other USB disks editing.

  • Opening volumes (logical disk editor)

    Opening volumes (logical disk editor)

    Hex Editor Neo supports opening volumes (logical disks) for viewing and editing. The product parses partition tables and disk volumes data, analyzes file system information and then displays disk structure: directories, files and streams in the Volume Navigator window. Each folder, file or stream object is associated with its offset inside the disc volume data within main editor window. For each such element, the relevant structure is automatically loaded into the Structure Viewer, volume data in the main editor window are parsed according to the loaded definitions and important regions are highlighted.

  • Editing virtual memory (Open Process)

    Editing virtual memory (Open Process)

    Hex Editor Neo allows you to open virtual memory of any running process for read-only or read-write access. Using 'Open Process' feature you may easily navigate though virtual address space and edit virtual memory of any process. There is an easy-to-use GUI for this function with a wide range of available tools for deep memory data analysis and convenient address space navigation, making our product one of the best memory editors available for the Windows platform today.

  • Opening computer physical memory (RAM)

    Opening computer physical memory (RAM)

    Hex Editor Neo allows you to get a read-only view for the computer physical memory (RAM). This feature is available on Windows versions that provide direct access to the physical random-access memory. And while the system provides read-only access to physical memory, the product still allows you to copy memory segments to the file and then edit it locally, using all the power of the standard hex data editing features. Our Hex Editor is a convenient RAM viewer for Windows.

  • Data encryption and decryption

    Data encryption and decryption

    Hex Editor Neo allows you to encrypt or decrypt binary/text file or just a part of it's data using any installed block or stream cipher, including: RSA Security RC2 (ARC2) or RC4 (Rivest Cipher 4 aka ARC4), Data Encryption Standard (DES) symmetric-key algorithm, two-key/three-key Triple DES encryption (3DES or TDES), Advanced Encryption Standard 128-bit, AES 192 bits, AES 256 bits and more. Hex Editor Neo allows you to specify a password, encryption key length and a number of additional options.

  • Logical bitwise & arithmetic data operations

    Logical bitwise & arithmetic data operations

    Hex Editor Neo allows you to apply logical and mathematical operations to the fragments of file modifying edited data at the level of the individual bits. A large set of data operations are provided including Bitwise operators: NOT, OR, AND, XOR, Arithmetic operators: Negation, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Remainder, Logical & Arithmetic Shifts, Case Conversion operators: Case Change Lower to Upper, Upper to Lower, Invert Case; inverse Bits, Byte Swap and more.

  • Structure Viewer (binary templates)

    Structure Viewer (binary templates)

    Hex Editor Neo provides an advanced data analysis and editing feature called Structure Viewer. This function allows you to bind binary templates to the data in such a way that each file or binary dump can be easily analyzed and edited using appropriate data format. For many known file types hex editor automatically loads built-in binary template from the library and parses the data according to the data format definition provided. Each field of structured data then could be edited. The product allows you to write your own format, add it to the library and then parse any custom data according to specified definition. You can exchange template files with your colleagues.

  • Data analysis and statistics

    Data analysis and statistics

    Hex Editor Neo provides unique capability of calculating several file statistics. You may calculate General Statistics and Pattern Statistics for any opened document. In addition, Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode(s), Sample Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error, Kurtosis, Skewness, Minimum, Maximum) is calculated for both modes, and Entropy Analysis is performed for General Statistics mode. It also provides you with a convenient graphical representation of the byte/character distribution within a file or a selected fragment thereof. Multiple selections are fully supported.

  • Support for Kaitai structures

    Support for Kaitai structures

    Our new built-in Kaitai structure editor and visualizer allows you to create various binary data structures and automatically parse the opened files according to the definitions specified in your .ksy files.

  • Parsing new structures

    Parsing new structures

    The Pro version gives you access to parsing new data formats. We are constantly adding new popular data formats to our editor, this time we added automatic parsing of MessagePack, QOI and webp formats.

  • Opening Intel HEX files

    Opening Intel HEX files

    Hex Editor Neo supports opening and editing Intel HEX files. Parsing of Intel Hex and Motorola S-record usually used for programming microcontrollers, EPROMs, EEPROMs and other programmable logic devices.

    File » Open » Open Hex… and Edit » Insert Hex… commands allow you to convert Intel HEX files to binary form and import it to the Hex Editor Neo editable area. Imported Intel HEX data then may be edited and exported as a file. Hex Editor Neo supports importing Intel HEX files of the following formats: Intel HEX 8-bit (I8HEX), Intel HEX 16-bit (I16HEX), Intel HEX 32-bit (I32HEX).

  • Opening Motorola S-record files

    Opening Motorola S-record files

    Hex Editor supports opening and editing Motorola SREC files. Parsing of Intel Hex and Motorola S-record usually used for programming microcontrollers, EPROMs, EEPROMs and other programmable logic devices.

    File » Open » Open Hex… and Edit » Insert Hex… commands allow you to convert Motorola S-record files to binary form and import it to the Hex Editor Neo editable area. Imported Motorola SRECORD data then may be edited and exported as a file. Hex Editor Neo supports importing Motorola S-record files of the following formats: Motorola S19 (SREC S19), Motorola S28 (SREC S28), Motorola S37 (SREC S37).

  • Editor windows synchronization

    Editor windows synchronization

    You can connect two editor windows with each other. This synchronizes cursor movement in both windows, which is an extremely useful editing technique in some scenarios. Synchronization works in two modes. One window can be split into two copies and both instances are synchronized. Two arbitrary windows of different documents can also be synchronized with each other.

  • Operations & modifications history branching

    Operations & modifications history branching

    Hex Editor Neo provides the unique feature, called operation history branching, which supports editing multiple revisions of the file simultaneously. It allows exchanging data between operations from different branches via Clipboard. Using this feature you can support multiple resulting versions of the source file. By providing this, along with the ability to save and load modifications history, the Hex Editor Neo proves to be an indispensable hexadecimal editing toolkit for students, teachers, instructors and digital forensic specialists.

  • Advanced Copy & Export (Encoded Data Format)

    Advanced Copy & Export (Encoded Data Format)

    Selected document data may be converted into a number of supported text formats and placed into the Clipboard or exported to a file.

    This function allows you to convert a binary data to a fragment of formatted data. There are following data exporting formats are supported for both Little-endian/Big-endian endianness: Encoded text export (exporting text as: Base64 encoded text, UUencode encoded text, Quoted-Printable (QP) printable text data), HEX file export (exporting Intel HEX: Intel HEX 8-bit I8HEX, Intel HEX 16-bit I16HEX, Intel HEX 32-bit I32HEX, exporting Motorola S-record: SREC S19, SREC S28, SREC S37).

  • Checksum & hash calculations

    Checksum & hash calculations

    Product supports more than 20 checksum calculation algorithms, including summators, signed sums, hashes and checksums. Hex Editor supports hash calculation algorithms: Secure Hash Algorithms - SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, FNV-1, FNV-1a, Message-Digest algorithms - MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD Message Digest - RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160. Hex Editor supports checksum calculation algorithms: CRC-16, CCITT CRC16, CRC-32, CRC XMODEM, CRC-64, CRC-64/WE, CRC-64/XZ, Adler-32, Fletcher-32. Custom CRC calculation algorithm is also provided. You can compute the checksum for the whole file or for the current (multiple) selection. Hex Editor Neo allows you to export calculated checksum results or copy it to the Clipboard.

  • Pattern coloring (unlimited rules)

    Pattern coloring (unlimited rules)

    You can use Hex Editor Pattern Coloring feature in order to automatically highlight specific patterns in an edited data. The hex editor supports highlighting of binary, hex, text and RegEx patterns. A Pattern Coloring Tool Window is used to define one or more patterns and their coloring rules. For each defined pattern, background color, foreground (text) color and outline color are defined.

    Professional and Ultimate Editions allow you to define as many coloring rules as you need.

  • Built-in Explorer (second window)

    Built-in Explorer (second window)

    For the most convenient browsing of folders, files and work with the file system Hex Editor Neo provides you with two Windows Explorer-like windows as part of its user interface. They can be used for regular file and folder operations and are tightly integrated with all other functions of the editor. You can open files in the editor by double-clicking them in the Explorer window and simply dragging them to the editor window. Standard Edition unlocks single explorer window. Professional Edition adds the second Explorer window to the user interface.

  • Find in Files

    Find in Files

    The Find in Files command is used to search a list of files for a specified pattern. You specify the list of folders and file mask that determine the list of files and you enter a pattern to search. You may also search using regular expressions. Searching in NTFS streams is also supported. Find in Files function operates in one of two modes: Find at least one occurrence and Find all occurrences. The implementation of Find in Files command scales well, that is, it works faster on multi-core or multi-processor computers. Several dedicated threads of execution are launched on such computers and perform searching and replacing in parallel.

  • Replace in Files

    Replace in Files

    The Replace in Files command is used to search a list of files for a specified pattern and replace it with another one. You specify the list of folders and file mask that determine the list of files, then enter both search and replace patterns. The "Find and replace mode" switch is used to enable this command. Replace in Files function operates in one of two modes: Replace all occurrences and save and Replace all occurrences and open. The implementation of Replace in Files command scales well, that is, it works faster on multi-core or multi-processor computers. Several dedicated threads are launched on such computers and perform processing in parallel.

  • Support for NTFS alternate data streams

    Support for NTFS alternate data streams

    Hex Editor Neo supports NTFS alternate data streams. A special NTFS Streams Tool Window displays all stream information for the currently active file. Hex Editor Neo supports the following NTFS stream manipulations: delete, rename, open for editing or create new stream. This makes it a great tool for alternate data streams forensics.

  • Searching for NTFS streams (stream detector)

    Searching for NTFS streams (stream detector)

    Hex Editor Neo allows you search NTFS drives or folders and find files with linked alternate data streams. This tool supports searching for files of a certain type or size, supports exclusions and even allows you to search NTFS streams using Regular Expressions. Found NTFS data streams may then be opened in the editor or deleted.

  • Compare files (binary diff/hex diff/text diff)

    Compare files (binary diff/hex diff/text diff)

    Hex Editor Neo allows you to compare binary files or texts. We used the fastest file comparison algorithms that work efficiently on large files. Our file comparison tool offers you both - simple binary comparison algorithm and an advanced differential file comparison algorithm, that allows you to efficiently isolate differences between binary/text files or just hex dumps.

  • x86 Disassembler

    x86 Disassembler

    Hex Editor Neo includes a x86 disassembler module. It allows disassembly of 32-bit x86 code (Intel MMX, SSE, SSE2 and AMD 3DNow! processor instruction sets are supported). The module automatically loads debugging symbols for better assembly output readability and automatically updates itself when the document is modified. It disassembles both files and processes' memory blocks.

  • x64 Disassembler

    x64 Disassembler

    Hex Editor Neo includes a x64 disassembler module. It allows disassembly of 64-bit x86-64 code (Intel SSE4 and SSE4.1 processor instruction sets are supported). The module automatically loads debugging symbols for better assembly output readability and automatically updates itself when the document is modified. It disassembles both files and processes' memory blocks.

  • .NET Disassembler

    .NET Disassembler

    Hex Editor Neo .NET Disassembler is a kind of IL disassembler that translates MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) portable executable PE files to an ILAsm intermediate language codes. The module automatically parses metadata, loads debugging symbols for better assembly output readability and automatically updates itself when the document is modified. It disassembles both files and processes' memory blocks.

  • ARM, ARM-64 (ARMv8/AArch64) Disassembler

    ARM, ARM-64 (ARMv8/AArch64) Disassembler

    Disassembler supports 32-bit ARM (ARM32) and 64/32-bit ARM-64 (aka ARMv8/AArch64) architectures. All the most popular ARM CPU (including Cortex-A processor family) instruction sets are supported.

  • MIPS, RISC-V, SPARC, XCore Disassembler

    MIPS, RISC-V, SPARC, XCore Disassembler

    Neo can disassemble binaries for the several RISC-based architectures, including MIPS (micromips, mips32, mips64 and more), RISCV, SPARC and XCore. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported.

  • PowerPC Disassembler

    PowerPC Disassembler

    Hex Editor Neo provides you with the ability to disassemble PowerPC binaries for game consoles, desktops and embedded systems. Both 32-bit PowerPC and 64-bit PowerPC versions are supported.

  • More Disassemblers

    More Disassemblers

    It also supports Motorola 68K, 680X, MOS65XX (including 6502), Texas Instruments TMS320C64X, IBM System z and more. Please contact us if you are missing some vital instruction sets.

  • Parsing disk structures (Volume Navigator)

    Parsing disk structures (Volume Navigator)

    For easy and convenient removable drives or fixed disk editing, Hex Editor Neo supports disk volume structures parsing. It instantly parses Master Boot record (MBR), GUID Partition Table (GPT), Volume Boot Record (VBR) and other NTFS, CDFS, FAT, FAT32, ExFAT file system structures. Product then synchronizes entries in Volume Navigator window with offsets in the main editor window allowing you to quickly find, analyze and edit binary data of required items. So you may easily navigate though the file system and edit partition boot sector, folders, files and alternate NTFS streams directly on the disk.

  • Scripting


    The product allows you to use scripting (macros) to automate editing tasks. Hex editor scripting interface allows you to use TypeScript, a modern type-rich superset of JavaScript programming language. The built-in script editor and debugger boosts development. The powerful macro recording functionality immediately converts all your actions into a ready-made script.

    Our product aims to be the best scriptable hex editor available for the Windows platform today.

  • Hex Editor SDK

    Hex Editor SDK

    Our product is not only an advanced binary data editing solution for users, but also a great tool for developers. The Hex Editor SDK provides ActiveX/COM and .NET components that allow you to use the features of Hex Editor Neo from code written in C++, C#, Java, Delphi, Rust or JavaScript without accessing the editor's GUI. The Hex Editor API comes with detailed documentation for developers. In this way, you can easily use Neo's binary/text data processing functions within your project.

  • Quick data annotations

    Quick data annotations

    This feature allows you to associate text comments with specific file offsets and ranges. Hex Editor Neo saves these annotations along with the document and automatically loads them every time you open that document in the editor.

    Comments are organized in an extremely usable form, allowing you to quickly browse, edit, and colorize them.

  • Macros recording

    Macros recording

    Create, record and replay macros. This feature allows you to automate almost any task you perform with the editor. The macro scripts you have recorded can be edited later. There is built-in script editor with syntax highlighting, command autocompletion and debugging capabilities.

  • Priority suggestions

    Priority suggestions

    We are constantly improving our editor. Most of the new features are intended for inclusion in the Ultimate edition of the product. Please contact us if you are using the Ultimate edition and are missing some vital functionality.

Our Free Hex Editor Neo Advantages

Fast Allows you to efficiently process data of any size
Reliable No risk of data loss due to unpredictable long operations
Powerful Searches patterns in multi-gigabyte files in seconds
Flexible Allows you to tune any aspect of the user interface
Adaptive It natively supports Windows dark themes
Agile Supports multiple threading and parallel processing

Our Free Hex Editor Neo Usage Scenarios

  • Patching binaries and program executables

    Our product is the most convenient tool for editing and patching bin files and program executables. This exe program editor allows you to easily change or add several instructions of the machine code. In different editions there is an find/replace, advanced binary diff, disassembler and automatic patch creation features, that allow you to make patches in just one click.

    Download our hex editing software now, it's free and requires no registration.

  • Performing digital forensic analysis

    Most computer forensic specialists will find this product useful in their daily work. Various product editions provide a wide range of tools for searching and analyzing data on disks and in the computer memory, including disk editor, memory viewer-editor, find/replace with RegExp, NTFS streams support, data inspector, data encryption/decryption, data analysis and statistics features.

    Download our hex editing software now, it's free and requires no registration.

  • Learning file structure basics

    Out binary editing software is a great tool for students and teachers. The product can be useful if you are studying low-level programming and exploring the internal structure of binary files. Its various editions provide a set of tools that may be necessary for learning of digital sciences at a college or university.

    Download our hex editing software now, it's free and requires no registration.

  • Recovering of broken and damaged data

    Our product is often found to be essential when you need to recover data that has been corrupted by an operating system or application. This also can happen if your hard drive or SSD is damaged. Often important data can be recovered with no loss. Various product editions offer everything you need to succeed in data recovery or similar tasks.

    Download our hex editing software now, it's free and requires no registration.

Free Hex Editor Neo Tech Specs

General Information
English Spanish German French Italian Portuguese Polish Russian Ukrainian Japanese Chinese (Simplified) Korean
First Release:1/1/2007
License Type:Freeware
Additional Downloads & Installation Instructions
System Requirements
Windows 11 Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP Windows Server 2022 Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2003 R2 Windows Server 2003
CPU:Multi-core x86, x64 or ARM64 compatible
Memory:2 GB
Storage:42.607 MB
Release Details
View Changes
Size:21.304 MB
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